And yet again, an oversized response from the dudebros.
And yet again, an oversized response from the dudebros.
Is there a “White Bro” alert that goes out to summon them to spam articles? Because there is no reason for them to be here in such large numbers. They did the same on a “True Detective” piece recently. Not buying there’s this much real interest in an episode of SNL.
So what? It’s the most predictable thing this guy would say. Morgan got him to give him clickbait and he fell for it.
Except enough to post a memelet.
But she keeps saying she’s the rEaL ViCtim in da CultURe WARz!! Isn’t she about to go to jail for her noble views about not shutting up about things that are not effecting her in anyway? That’s sarcasm, btw.
It’s adorable that you think you know.
Dammit. Now I gotta watch it! Actually it turns out I know a couple of people who worked on it, so that’s what’s peaked my interest. But the part where it hurts some fee-fees does cause a frisson of unhelpful glee. It’s stupid and petty and pointless so maybe I’ll get some Bud Light to wash down the popcorn.
It was NEVER going to be shot in Alaska. Republican politicians gutted our film and tv incentive program years ago.
Wasn’t going to watch it, but a show that makes a certain demographic froth like these comment writers? It’s now a must see!
This comment section. My, my.
Somebody sat him down and explained that acting like he’s the victim of real world events when he isn’t, will not get his bills paid. And that just maybe cozying up to Piers Morgan isn’t the career track that he should take.
Yet somehow the Swing Dance club at the largest high school in my area is so popular they make more than enough money to travel to competitions and out of town performances. Guess they don’t listen to online gatekeepers.
So, what’s the viable, real world solution?
And? Let’s hear a viable alternative than doesn’t blow our lives up.
Right wingnuts might want to stop pissing off Swift fans. Fortunately they won’t. Trump is out here trying to convince his mob that he has her under his control, but even they aren’t listening to him. It’s all very strange.
“Should.” Did she ask you? And the album is finished.
“Been there, done that, still at it, hire a really, really good physiotherapist and the best sports doc money can buy.”
Thanks, but I stopped drinking booze a couple of months ago. Not for forever; just putting it on pause as I change up my diet.
Whose accounts, exactly? Just asking.
What’s that saying about if you meet an asshole in the morning, you’ve met an asshole; if you meet assholes all day, you’re the asshole? She blew her chance to capitalize on what little advantage she had after she won her Oscar, and even after she got a bit of her own back - she really was done dirty - she wasn’t…