
So there! Harrumph. 


Too bad Gonzo wasn’t around to flail wildly on Larry’s balls. Unfortunately I actually saw that desperate attention seeking asshole jump in the segment and now I want Oscar to curb stomp him. Nobody on the set that day got paid enough to put up with that. Especially the puppeteers.

Saw this on YouTube. Pretty sure she’s lying about her academic achievements.  And everything else. 

Why all the complaining? You got what you wanted. She lost, your guy won. 

Funny how nearly every depiction of a woman in an authority position has to be about her downfall. 

And we love legal weed! 

If you knew what you are doing then you would be familiar with the study that comes out every year that deep dives into the actual numbers of roles for women. All the way down to line counts.

”Does that make sense?”

In a fancy suit? And an entourage?? Sure, Jan.

What a weird thing to ask. The photos didn’t identify who is who. And apparently you don’t know either. 

Shannen has been public recently about being a shitty employee on 90210, then kinda blamed other people for not sitting her ass down and telling her to stop being a shitty employee or else she’d get fired.

Name one who isn’t actively trying to hurt people. 

Which one is the new guy? 

Gonna play some Chicks tracks and a few Kris Kristofferson tunes today. 

Still obsessed about a Black woman’s nipple? 

Ignoring Joni Mitchell’s first ever Grammy performance. Ignoring Tracy Chaplain performing for the first time in 15 years. 

And yet, here you are. 

None of this makes any sense. Is it supposed to?

McCabe and Mrs. Miller. Warren Beatty and Julie Christie.