
Not convinced she’s actually doing anything. Considering the cult she’s in, it’s probably what her hubs tells her to do. 

It’s a lot more likely that it’s been nearly a year that they have been dunzo. And why would a “year” matter? If you are going to police a stranger’s behavior, why not call for two years? Or maybe 5 if she’s dumps your favorite sportsball bro? And why should she sit around if he doesn’t have to? 

Emily, you keep doing this, saying she “filed for divorce.” No. The announcement was that they had gotten divorced. Paperwork is signed, sealed, and delivered. 

“May”?????? Guess you forgot about AIDS. 

Cough *bullshit* cough. 

He’s lying. 

Sam’s back to peeking coyly from the brim of his Stetson? Gee. Did they even pretend there was the occasional Black or Hispanic cowboy in the far distance? Since, you know, Sam’s been eating good off the appropriation of the work they did. 

You didn’t have to click on this.

It’s a fun ad. And now we know these two men wear the same size. Men can have fun. Men can dance. Even without a sportsball or whining about starting another civil war.

The sheer amount of context that was left out of this blog is extraordinary. To start with, Mainland China has pivoted hard toward home-grown action movies. And to make things worse, they were taking a minimum of half the gate from US productions, and whatever “profit” is left is highly suspect. Marvel wasn’t making

Sweetie. No. Just no. “Too sanctimonious”? What the everloving fuck is wrong with you? For not allowing someone to mistreat your employee? Jesus H. Christ.

Yes, I can. Problem is, it never occurs to these useful idjits. 

“Romance”? Is that what the kids are calling it these days? I guess it’s more marketable if you don’t call it flat-backing. 

WAIT. Hold up. $78 Million? They have $78 MILLION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DOLLARS to waste on political campaigns??? How???

Probably because she was asked to wait by Fetterman’s campaign. They are the ones in charge. 

South Asians. They are an “interesting” bunch. I work in tourism and have dealt with many. Also been to India. And South Africa. Guess which country I had the most trouble with anti-Black overt racism in? The caste system does them no favors and when they bring that shite here? You get creatures like this useful

Playing the world’s smallest violin and thinking about finding all the receipts my Black Grandfather kept of him HAVING TO PAY TO VOTE IN THIS COUNTRY. Google “poll tax” and Shut The Fuck Up.

Y’all want to send me Africa? Since I’m not paying for this, you got a plan? You gonna have to prove I’m from an African country. How you going to do that? DNA test? Welp, mine’s gonna say I’m to be sent to somewhere in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Or maybe based on the closest related illegal immigrant? Ok,

Is that him? He looks exactly like that old wet brain drunk who starts randomly shouting “fuck” outside of bars until he goads someone into calling the van for the drunk tank/3 hots & a cot. 

Nope. No. Nunca. I have zero desire to see Johnny Deep in lingerie.