
Where was the .0000000000000000001% of this energy for “Till”? 

Is she starting a wellness “brand”? Isn’t that what all the tradwife types do? 

Maybe you’ll get lucky enough to live long enough to outgrow your ageism.


Yes, sweetie - put down your phone, touch grass, and ask yourself why you care. 

He’s going to continue to harass her because that’s his entire identity now. He gets amply rewarded for it, it has resurrected his career. It’s his only thing, but it pays extremely well. 

A gay bar being racist? Well, I nevah! At least people left. 

Colorism has us fighting each other. Over nonsense. And we won’t stop. 

Feels so good to have Blexit outta there. 

A lot, actually. But you would have had to pay attention to the news about what happened to the movie, and something about the casting. Which you haven’t.  So maybe not hop in on something you don’t care about, really. 

You aren’t as edgy as you fantasize.  

Then it would be system’s failure and the entire world online would be screaming about it. 

Went to delete my long dormant account & found out it takes 30 days after you deactivate it. Wtf? I want out of there NOW!

What part of “third in line for the presidency” do you not understand? Who was hunted not that long ago for a good ol boys’ lynching? She’s not “Bob” from random district. 


It’s Utah. So chances are these delightful children of God are Mormons. The OG of “Religions are cults plus time.” 

Christofacists are at the Supreme Court every damn day. It’s like their favorite neo Nazi coffee shop where they meet every morning to tell Clarence Uncle Thomas what he thinks, and listen to Alito fantasize about burning witches. 

Congratulations on not being like those other girls!

Well, actually…. 

Fortunately, not your decision.