
I am down 100% for GF and TP being in the same universe.

And yet still dying under Moffat's watch (regardless of the circumstances) so again…how does no one die under Moffat as the OP is suggesting?

She who? Amy Pond?

The Pond's and Danny Pink might disagree with you on that.

240 Dollars is how I judge people. If they see it for the first time and don't understand its greatness, I see no need to be friends with them.

Do a bit of research into female circumcision. There are various levels as to what has been done. It can be far worse than just "removing a clitoris" I wouldn't put it past the assholes in Gilead to go to the extreme on that one.

Never said they did it on purpose. More of a side effect of something from an invention they thought would be used for good (but was of course ultimately evil by design)

"She wasn't at Jezebel's" seeing how she was mutilated, that society wouldn't have much use for her there I would imagine. Granted, being with a woman like that might be a kink sought out, but not on any level of regularity it would make sense to keep her there. I say she is dead or colonies.

Its all good. That pulled back blonde look can be quite the camouflage ;)

If you are referring to "Better Off Ted" the reason people forget her is that was not her.
That was Portia de Rossi.

Technically, we would be seeing ChinDai, God of the East. LoPan aint no god.

Arguably the only worthy part from that film.

"Red-Dawn-but-with-aliens". I'd say that is an apt description.

Alien show: Falling Skies. Finished up with a mostly lackluster final 5th season but at least they finished the story.

As a huge fan of the Warburton series, I must say I loved the pilot for this. Edlund subscribes to the Adams mult-universe theory. Every version of the product is a universe unto itself. None is better than the other, they each are their own thing.
To me, The Tick has always been a mirror to the comic world it exists

About the same as season 1 was to book 1 (hint: book one ended with Eros crashing on Venus as we saw in S2E5)

1. Can't be from a TARDIS. The Doctor noticed scorch marks from landing/take off rockets. A TARDIS has no use for that kind of tech
2. or maybe the Doctor felt the rug would look good where it ended up and lifted up the TARDIS to place the rug? Occam's decorating and all.

"The Pilot has been found" or what ever it said. It clearly needed some kind of machine (apparently a mostly normal human will do) to access all of it's abilities. Hokey as it was, episode made it very clear what was going on.

I think ultimately I just can't stand the actor in anything he does and I project that here. At least so far the new Nardole has been less annoying.

I went from hate in his first appearance, to neutral in the xmas to giving him a better chance. Hell, I hated Donna in TCB but she quickly grew to be one of my favorite (and most tragic) companions.