
He could. BUt I would love to see them play it up where there is this huge battle, they get through and win the day bringing everyone back, but have to go get Mack and find him making pancakes and doesn't want to leave.

Nah, Mack was given his happy life of having his dead kid back. He's a stay at home dad in the framework for sure.

"molecular-level aversion to Andy Cohen." Oh thank god, I thought I was alone in that distaste of him.

Oh I was there for those as well. I would say it's on par but a different kind of annoyance.

As we learned from the Westworld reviews, Zach seems to have a problem with the "long game" If it isn't explained right away to him it is automatically considered to be badly written.

That is kind of what I was thinking. That is similar in book pacing from where they ended s1.

Do nightmares count?

A man can dream of a place where fans can discuss the good and the bad of a show on its own and not have to fall into a comparison trap that does nothing can't he?


Vastly different shows that don't even need to be compared.

Maybe it didnt get fixed as they hoped it would. I saw the thread a few days after the first episode.

I saw on a reddit thread with one of the show writers saying there was a mess up with the streaming version that cut that scene out. It is supposed to be fixed now. Syfy also put the missing scene up on their youtube channel as well.

Book reader here: "The protomolecule moved Eros." yup. However, don't expect any kind of explanation how exactly it seemed to be able to break all known laws of physics.

Sorry. Some of us are still reeling from his terrible handling of the Westworld reviews. Never met a show reviewer who seems to not care at all about what they are watching the way Zach does.

Oh for sure and that was my original point (maybe I didn't make that clear) I don't want them to be forced to align each season to the book stories. Makes the story more flexible and easier to align to a TV narrative form.

I don't think its as bad as Littlefingers magic transporter seemed to be but yah, the show does take a few liberties with that.
My main wonder is what the hell is going to be the big season 2 ender. You can't finish book 2 in 5 episodes…..

Gravity does it really well. I felt Sunshine did too.

Introducing Avasarala already moved much of her plotline from B2 into S1. As a book reader I actually enjoy that they are playing loose with the greater structure. Keeps us on our toes for what we "know is coming." Whereas Game of Thrones you always knew what ep9 and 10 of each season were going to be. My guess is,…

shhhhh Zach doesn't like to get important details right.

It was a bad call Ripley! I asked for a Caesar cut and I got this. A bad call.