
Are we evil scientists?
Please…you know who you work for.

I'd argue that Dave, Lisa and Mr. James were the triumvirate of that show. She'd be Bones to Dave and Jimmy's Kirk and Spock, but still central focus enough.

Yah, im betting this writer doesn't grok that bit of history and since we never saw them being used as com devices in this piece I am going with just insignia.

Still one of my favorite scenes ever.
"I'm Clark Kent" (takes off glasses)
"I'm Superman"

Never has an actor put so much emotion and range into one word as he has. "What!?"

That was one of those moments I have to look back on and see if that was "part of the plan" or was that Micheal really freaking out over it not working correctly.

I'd be just as fine with a Pobody's Nerfect one as well.

Right! Clearly this writer didn't actually pay attention in the finale.

FOTB is a great show and CW is the break out star of the show imo.

There was an offhand line about "The Ark" recently, that is enough of a Ross connection for me. (I will admit I have always loved William Hurt and more chances to see him in the MCU is ok by me)

Hell, just adapt the damn footnotes! Mini-series length will give it the time you could easily "pause the story" and have a little pop up read to you an explanation. Think like the guide entries in the Hitchhikers film.

Casting is the key for me on this one.
Dream casting: reunite Fry and Laurie as Az and Crowley
Since we're already getting Gillian Anderson in American Gods so she is Gaiman approved, can we get her as War as well?

Yah, they had both.

Oooh that would be a nice twist and would make sense as well. Bringing Hurt back in CW did seem like there was more to it.

Never said he was very good at playing the game ;)

I loved his Calvin. I still hope for a return even in a small way to SHIELD.

I love that scene, but when seeing his full collection I was very hard pressed to believe that PC Butterman had never seen it before.

He is also the only chef imo to know this is a damn game and you have to play all sides effectively to get far.

I think that was it. I just started a re-read (after reading it when it first came out) and so far comparing the two that seems about it. I could be wrong though.
I will admit re-reading the first book, I think the show has made the whole thing better with being able to pull future plot lines in earlier.

Not really a music guy so I can't say that I am a fan of theirs. Jonah is just unfunny (while thinking he is hilarious) to me. Nails on chalkboard kind of guy. I think it is primarily his thinking he is hilarious attitude that is most of it. I also (while admitting he is talented) can't stand Leo Dicaprio. So take my