
Also, probably not the final design.

They've already pulled from other books into S1 so pretty much anything is fair game at this point.

Watch the redux "fire walk with me missing pieces" It rides the line between the series and the original film and bridges the weird and the creepy better.

Suggest: film: The One I Love she is awesome in it (and for a whovian, I think you will dig the scifiness to it)

I thought I was alone in my distaste of him. Your description is perfect. (although in fairness, he was on @midnight the other day and was actually funny so maybe MST is wearing off on him?)

Very very good. Totally a surprise it being so good and on scifi. Rare event where it is better imo in the source material.

Oh for sure. Super depressed Son of TV's Frank is exactly what we need.

Because Jonah Ray is a blight on this planet and destroys everything he ever touches?

Probably summer. Thats usually when CN likes to do those kinds of things.

Right? They give Jackie Chan credit for doing that but don't even mention where he was inspired from in the first place.

So be good for goodness sake. Woahhhhh somebody's coming.

Sumerian. Big difference.

Oh gods yes. I was already strangely attracted to Pam. Short hair and in a suit? I'll be in my bunk.

Well, that couple that moved in with Chidi and Eleanor a few episodes back were sure trying to get the swing thing going.

Ezra=Snoke. Let that theory sink in.

Not that far out. Leia was in s2 and her age there was said to be 16. Given that she and Luke are 18-19 in ANH this puts Rebels a bit closer than 5.

He makes me root for an actual Nazi. That's some talent.

They didn't have time to get more troops. Remember, these were just regular troops serving on Vader's Star Destroyer as he chased after Leia.