
She does make an amazing brownie tho.

Also, did anyone else catch Bud Manstrong as the paperboy on the station?”

Not only that. he was wearing a Wesley Crusher sweater.

Well Alan Young did do the voice of Haggis McMutton.

Well Haggis McMutton was voiced by Alan Young in the game so the nod wouldn’t be too far off.

As if she actually had the cash to pay. Upkeep on a secret lair island costs money. You don’t keep an island like that if you have to pay for high priced auctions.

He was only a robot in the future. Up to him blowing his own hand off (and being in the med tent at end) he was still human. Any scene of him in the elevator in the episode is all tied to his far future fidelity test.

Par for the course for how terrible of a scifi genre reviewer Zack is. Ugh.....

The only Punisher that exists in the MCU is the Bernthal one. Any previous Punisher film is a standalone thing.

I think we can guarantee that is going to occur.

Outside of the other probable other half of Jon Snow's lineage and putting him in official line for the throne you mean?

I think people are forgetting this one little fact: The smith who reforged Ned's sword for Papa Lannister (aka has at least a little but of knowledge about Valyrian Steel) is the same smith who taught Gendry all he knows. So that combined with some knowledge Sam has stolen=whole lot of Valryian steel for everyone.

See his appearance on Better Off Ted (as Walter Palmer…the P is silent) as well.

We can't rule out the fact he may be Johnny Horne's kid. Maybe Johnny had a small lapse into sanity and fathered a kid before he went back off the deep end.

I think that should be a tell that all isn't right and clear in that Audrey scene. My money is on she is still in a coma and that was all in her head.

The other continent. Where Dany has been the whole time.

You want to tell me that Bill doesn't come from the Black Lodge?

No doubt that Frank is a old-school member of the Bookhouse Boys. He is well acquainted with the strange going-ons in TP.

Now I want Hawk and Dark Helmet to have a debate about whats happening now and what happened to then.