
The pun was perfect. Anakin's deeper characterization that we see in the Clone Wars cartoon shows that he has this bad pun, terrible joke side to him.

She's got huge…tracts of magma!

Jedi who "went to die there" were those who survived Order 66 and taken there to be be tortured and executed. So a bit more than just that.

2/7 would not see your stand up again

The outfit she stole was that of the landing tech. Those "swords" were the landing light thingies used to direct craft (like you see on a runway today)

S1 was definitely slow and could leave someone with that feeling. S2 lets go of the breaks and drives the story hard. It is a vast improvement over the first.

Glad he isn't so far. I already dislike him as an actor and the previous Nardole was an annoying bore and a half. I'm going with when the Doctor rebuilt him, he made him stronger, better, nicer.

I always figured trooper armor was more for looks and intimidation than it ever was to be protective.

That quote seems to miss the fact that Bourne was a book YEARS before that (and Richard Chamberlain played him in a tv movie of it as well)

More than likely it was a piece of software that just auto dictates that stuff like most CC is done.

Depending on the source and how it is presented, lots of CC is done in real time using word detection software. It's never checked and just goes out as is.

That is correct. The music played when Bernard was down there was also a riff on the Gunslingers theme.

"cease all motor functions" that is their kill switch right there. Short sighted to not have a greater back up to that? Maybe, but as we've been reminded since the first episodes, nothing major has gone wrong in the park in years. Everyone is lax about everything.

Thats why he was good in his small role in John Carter, he pretty much was Marc Antony again (playing to Ciarán Hinds too!)

Well, she did see the blue prints of Bernard. Having that exposed to the board early could have been difficult.

Well, we never saw Wyatt's crew outside of the few attacks…but I felt it was pretty clear Ford let all of the crazies out. Think back to Bernard's earlier line about the hosts who gained sentience most went crazy like Abernathy so they would be in cold storage.

How did you not pay attention to know that this was covered multiple times in the show?

You are wrong. IF you are talking about the female guest with Teddy early on, she gets away while Teddy gets knifed to death.

Unless we see other wise:
Elsie is considered dead. She was going to expose Ford's altering of hosts under Arnolds name.
Ashley Stubbs (security guy) is considered dead. Ford needed him out of the way to allow the uprising/awakening to occur as it did.

The producers have stated already they feel S1 is a prologue for the main story coming later.