
A. nice asshole comment there
B. not gunning down, just pointing out every question asked here is explained in the show

Ford made sure lots of things could happen. Any inconsistency you see could easily be explained by Ford in his god like powers made this happen.
1. For sure, the security guards should have been a little more quick to shoot Hector and Armistice.
2. There is a safeguard for hosts getting out of the park. Explosives in

Well, depending on your POV. Since the show is supposed to make the hosts out to be the main characters, he was a totally great guy!

That's what I got out of that. She made the choice that Ford gave her.

Why think that they aren't different? As we saw later Ford made it so the safeties were off in the park. The previous simultions that don't hurt humans now do. Easy to jump he could do that to security weapons too.

And like BSG, made something infinitely better and deeper.

Possibly but then you just run into time travel tropes and where is the line drawn. Harlan sued over Terminator as it was close enough to his work (thus the credit he gets in the film)

Loved piloting that thing in the original TieFighter game. Still hands down one of the best space fighter sims ever made. I wish they would update the graphics to todays standards and re-release that game.

There are some definite similarties between the Gunslinger chasing the main guy down and the Terminator for sure. We know that Cameron stole a bunch of stuff from a Harlan Ellison story and Outer Limits episode so who knows for sure what was what.

Either there are plans for him next season, or Ford just really need the head of security (who compared to the others was the only competent one) out of the picture for the final uprising.

Compared to the show? Definitely. A piece of it's time and the original Jurrasic Park scenario? For that it remains a good thing.

We have proof in the show about the difference in time. Logan mentions that Ford's partner (who they could find nothing about) died a few years ago "in the park" or something along those lines. No reason to think that was false.

Let me rephrase that. Bernard's outfits have been mostly the same imo (as have Ford's) but Bernard is always relaxed. His tie is undone, wears a Mr. Rogers sweater. Whereas the Bernard we see interviewing Dolores always has his tie done up, wears a different coat that is closed up to the collar.

It seems some what logical that might be where things are headed. Not sure what his end game/long run would be tho.

As Alicek said, the church went through the following life:
1. Part of the beta test town when the park first started
2. after Arnold's death/park opening…the town was buried. Only the steeple was left sticking out of the ground
3. William and Dolores stumble upon the steeple in the desert (30 years ago)
4. Ford found the

Remember, to Logan family is business. William marrying in gives him access to that.

Just last week when Dolores went downstairs through the confessional booth (man, that one was on the nose) and had her memories of past times in that room. That confirmed to me those chats were always with Arnold the whole time. Never with Bernard. That coupled with Ford confirming that Bernard was made in Arnold's

Sometime between beta and the park officially opening I would say Arnold was killed.

I definitely lean towards the more decompressing from fantasy to the real world. Visitors to Burning Man will often have an interim stay in a Reno hotel before going back to the real world after the event.

Arnold was dead long before William ever set foot in the park. Dolores has admitted she killed him.
We don't know yet that MiB=William (but it is probable) but his line about saving the park probably has more to do with investing in the park as Logan says the family is considering.