
How would that work as the board already knows she is dead and probably have a list of candidates already lined up. She wasn't the first that Ford "got rid of"
If he wanted a park director as a host he could control, he would have already done that I would think. Like day one of the new director showing up.

not gonna happen. It would make no sense to keep around techs and equipment to have the old hosts still around (notice all the confederados were mechanical too) when "its cheaper" to use the bio-synth models. Dolores, also is so special and be remade so many times, she is practically "brand new"

Ford is a prick enough to do it that way for sure. He and Nathan and Tyrell should share a drink sometime.

Im not sure if his awakening is actually planned in his loop, but more it has happened before. Probably just due to the curious nature of Bernard and being around the hosts so much. Eventually it gets out.

Maeve has been shown to snap herself out of sleep mode, powering her down wouldn't do anything.

Nope. Old school mechanicals were the original hosts. Only later when it was found "cheaper" were hosts switched to the bio-syth models.

Or, just accept that Ford is telling the truth that he knows everything that goes on in his park, and is allowing this to occur.

We would probably get zombie Mama Stark on Westworld way before she ever appears on GoT.

The only thing left about him being "someone" is they went out of there way to never give him a name and most of his back story is tied to his previous visits to the park.

It was more that to get the explosives out of her spine so she can get out of the park, she would need a full re-construct. Expect Felix to be present on her rebuild.

"But there would still be photo evidence of Arnold. The Board would still know his face."

She is hoping for a rebuild under Felix's control where she can get a new body WITHOUT the spinal explosives.

I feel the same. If he is so intune to everything that goes on in the park, it seems strange that Maeve has gotten away with so much without some intervention from high up.

Unless the maze has a time jump portal, pretty sure that is an impossibility as we've now had confirmation that William's storyline is in the past.

Major, not general.

I think even if we morphed William into the MIB as a scene change Zach would deny it.

It's still up in the air as far as I am concerned if MiB= anyone. I like that it seems like its William but its going to be a nice twist next week and turn out to be Logan.

Hosts are designed to loop from one day to every few days depending on character and any interactions with guests. Maximum guest stay is 28 days, but most only stay for a few days.

With only a handful of guests entering the park at a time, it would make sense to have extra hosts on the train too.

That is just how he starts his loop.