
Correct. It was subtle, but it was there. Look at the arm Logan looked at on the ground. a little servo was wiggling.

Right. And also, Bernard himself said "he hasnt been there that long" no reason to find a lie in that.

Eh, future world. things are different.

Exactly. And cinematically we get to experience that with Dolores as her repeated loops time period jumping all over themselves. It's a brilliant technique.

She doesn't…in the modern time period. Only in the older times before they came up with the bio-tech is she that way.

Except in the pilot Stubbs says "she's been rebuilt so many times, she is practically brand new." It would be more logical to upload her brain into a new body then waste resources repairing gen 1 tech.

Thats just an unfortunate side effect of Dolores' loop skips. Her story seems to run over each other alot. By the time she is with William, Arnold is already dead.

Wyatt is Dolores. Thats my thought. It's where she kills Arnold. (in the original event Ford is pulling this from for his final narrative)

Logan makes an off hand remark that when looking into the park all they could find out that Ford had a partner, but that they couldn't find anything about him. Ford himself told Bernard that "corporate was more than happy to help erase him from the narrative" or some such.

Right. Bernard is Bernard, just made in Arnold's image.

He is going to be in tears I imagine.

Where do you get that Wyatt is active in Williams timeline? I can't recall a single mention of those syncing up.

Ford had an off hand remark earlier about "corporate was more than happy to help write him out of the narrative" or some such. Also, if MIB=Logan/William, they don't know shit about who Arnold was. Ford was already hiding him. Remember Logan's comment about his lawyers couldn't find anything about him.

Well, they went back to TCW and re-worked Whitaker's character to be from there. So the precedent is present.

You guys are missing a vital piece. Only one of the techs is dumb (Sylvester) the other guy (Felix) is the only one who has the programming skills needed to alter Maeve. Sylvester can do shit. Felix wants to be a programmer but has become fascinated with Maeve's awakening and has fallen under her "spell"

We caught his stand up tour a few weeks ago. He is still amazing.

Journeyman was an amazing show. Even being Quantum Leap like I felt they did some fresh and new things with time travel.
I think it helps my wife has a massive crush on Kevin. He once appeared on Craig Ferguson's late show and they both slipped into their full scottish accents. She was on the floor with delight that

Well, if part of her re-trace of her previous steps is specific, she is going to get the same outfit back on. Watch the scene on the train with Lawrence and William over the casket. The final shot of Dolores there is in the pants outfit, but William and Lawrence are NOT in the shot (where they were one camera movement

I can see that and agree. I wonder though if that is just a cheat for our benefit of it being television. If it was her POV, it would be harder to shoot her falling face first into the water.

All of the weirdness Dolores keeps seeing herself in to me is just examples of her memory fragmentation. These are all past loops she has been through and the memory of them all is flooding in. Causing confusion and weirdness.