
Exactly. Proof in the show of her on her own in "the present":
1. When she first gets to Lawerences town. she is alone in the early shot, has weird memories, is next to william
2. in Pariah: Seeing herself in the parade/tarot table
3. In the train car, one moment Lawrence and William are sharing a drink. Dolores over the

Thematically, Bernard being Arnold and the Dolores basement conversations being pre-park open make the most sense.

IMDB is unfortunately never an accurate way to read appearances.

4. All projected in Bernard's head by Fords memory manipulation. If anyone actually walked by his com booth he would be talking to a blank screen.

You seriously think this show disgraces the original film? Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of the film but there was nothing more to it that what we saw. Chricton's proto Jurrasic Park. It was as simple as that.

Because people are shallow and can't ever let something live or die on its own. It always has to be compared to something else. And that is just a sad sad state.

The delos official site does have a map showing where most of the major events take place so you can see that if you want to know where most things are happening. But for sure, we don't know exactly where W/D are compared to T/MiB

It could also be Maeve's line about Felix is doing exactly what she wants. Sylvester needs Felix know how to do anything he wants done so he does need him. But if she is under Maeve's control, it is logical to see why she hasn't been turned off.

I've given up on any actual proof of William or Logan being the MIB along time ago. What I can't deny is that we are seeing two different time periods (and even possibly more with flashbacks and Bernard/Dolores one on ones) than just one linear story.

1. Dolores' POV is not linear. Her story jumps between her time with William (past) and her time on her own (present) all the time.
2. Wyatt has never ONCE been mentioned in the William story line.

Because you come in here insulting the show claiming it needs to be a simple and childish as the original film was (not mocking it, but honestly its not high brow entertainment)
I am sorry if my comments to you were rude. Was not meant to be. I merely was stating that from your initial comments your complaints about

1. Sylvester is not the smartest tack in the box and his fear of his pimp business being found out is a threat to him
2. Felix wants more than to just be a "butcher" and he is fascinated by Maeve's awakening. He follows her lead because he is deeply curious where it will go.

The MIB thought they had retired Angela. Seeing her again was a surprise to him. For someone who would remember the first host he met and then not seeing her again in his 30 years of visiting shows us that multiple time periods are possible. Lets also remember that Angela was also in the beta park at the street dance.

It is as simple as this.
1. Dolores has now been shown malfunctioning when the park was in beta
2. A few years later, she is on story with William and begins to glitch again. We will see what happens with her there (prbobably does not go through with it all the way)
3. If MiB=Wililam is true, he didn't start searching

Even if he is on the board at Delos, I just don't get where Charlotte being his daughter has come from.

We have seen that there are cameras every where and that results of those cameras have been used (Elise busting the butcher for his pervy actions) and erased (Bernard removing himself from Theresa's footage)

YMMV but I disagree completely on the speed. Try simpler entertainment then if this show is too much for you.

Correct, we haven't been shown that. But based on his previously shown reach and control over everything else, it is logical to conclude he does. Lets also remember that we just got shown that he over saw Maeve's initial glitch when the MIB stabbed her. He over saw her getting a reprogram and re-use in the park. Other

I had to re-watch to make sure, but it was definitely Elise being choked by Bernard.

No, I am saying that Ford has so much control he can make it so its no big deal about what Maeve is doing.