
Where did this idea even come from?

Because as we saw, that basic story is enough to fill a movie plot (look at Jurrasic Park, its the same story over and over again. No sequel gave us anything new) but not enough to fill a huge story.
Plus, the movie was from the guests POV. The show is mostly from the hosts POV

You think she has been caught? HA! She planned that whole thing so she can get higher up (as the preview shows her interacting with Bernard) or she wants to get put in cold storage so she can wake up her army.


3. You think her actions at the end were a mistake? SHE WANTED TO GET CAUGHT so she can be put in cold storage and wake up her entire army.

1. Yes, we have seen her hallucinate before, but Dolores herself has yet to ever admit that to anyone in the show. That is what I am saying.
2. Him being a philanthropist is not what I am talking about. I am talking about MiB=William
4. We knew Theresa was behind the woodcutter incident, but we did not ave proof from

The tech they had available to them previously only allowed them to change so much. They admitted as much last week. It was only this week when they took her upstairs to the deeper tech was she given all the control she wants. Not my problem you can't figure that out.

Clearly you are out to find things to tear apart so I will just let this one part of the show exist for you to use a hand waving device.
Ford has admitted (and we've seen evidence of) that nothing in the park goes on without him knowing about it. Perhaps Maeve's awakening is all part of his greater plan and he just

Didn't advance any plots too much? Did you miss the following?
1. Dolores is admitting her glitching and can't tell what is real or not
2. MiB pretty much admitting who he is
3. Maeve moving her final pieces in place for her revolution
4. Charlotte Hale admits that the board is for certain behind Theresa's trying to get

Are you an asshole?

It doesnt matter of who she could tell, just that she would at all is enough to keep him scared. His host pimp business is a BIG no no. He would be probably worst than fired if found out.

For fucks sake have you not been paying attention at all?
NAKED HOSTS ARE WALKED THROUGH THE FACILITY ALL THE TIME. Seeing one walked around is common place.

Zach doesn't know shit. He can barely follow this show as it is.

1. She has blackmail material on Sylvester. He aint the sharpest tack so he does feel threatened by that.
2. Felix wants to be a programmer. He is fascinated by Maeve's awakening. I see it mostly as he is under her "spell"

Look closer at the memory fragmentation when Maeve is being examined by Ford after being stabbed by the MIB

Many of Dolores' scenes have had this dual time period nature to them but this episodes multiple examples (river bank/old town) were the most blatant.

We've even seen a promo still shot released before the show came out of William and Angela in the dressing room. The logo shown in the promo shot was the modern logo and then changed in the show to be the old one.

"I think her practicing her powers was a move to ensure she'd end up down
there where she'll be granted lots of unmonitored time with her army."
OMG. This a thousand times yes.

She was also in the old town park in front of the dancers (seen previously in flashback and again when Dolores had her own flashback) so Angela has been re-purposed twice now.