
Is this study going to start up the “born that way” argument again?

I hate douchey, monotheistic, PC loving, console haters.


These Weyland commercials from the Promethesus marketing materials were amazing. There really should be a spin-off movie of just a bunch of isolated Davids Daviding around.

Why couldn’t they just get Anthony Daniels to do it? Nobody does, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this...” like Anthony Daniels. I could do without the “How rude!” though.

My daughter loves Start Wars. She shut down some boys who told her that her Darth Vader Thermos was for boys. I think she force-choked those little bastards out.

This is gonna be good...

Immigration paperwork does not require a lawyer. It involves many fees and many appointments a bunch of the same information filled out on a bunch or different forms. Then just wait. Aaaaaaand wait. Lawyers can not make the government move faster. Relax and play a video game with friends.

Steven Seagull simulator?

Votes for xbox one and PC don’t apply here people.

I read “backlash” as “blacklash”. Does that make me racist?

Now it just looks like Obama.

When you remote play it from your PS4.

That’s also the release date of Half Life 3.

Learn to ride a scooter first. It’s all about the balance. A scooter is actually more difficult because the wheels are smaller and it’s cool, because every adult looks like a fool on a scooter.

How big is empha size?

It’s a typical senior picture pose.