
TC and something about a closet, maybe.

I would blame Bill Maher’s list of ailments on the decrease in breast fed babies more than some vaccinations.

The same way that Scientology is a thing.

This is very exciting. Arcade racers are my fetish.

What the coolest toy you bought yourself after becoming a Kickstarter millionaire?


  1. A penny saved

It's a simple union solidarity/brotherhood thing.

Here in the USA they don't make condoms that small.

Those Realdolls are looking more realerer every day!

It's worse than you think. I'm sure millions of people noticed it was down.

and we should subject firing squads to waves and waves of rabid grizzly bears.

Whites, if anything, tend to marry within religious and political boundaries. Their culture is lost because heritages get easily mixed up after a generation or two. Cultural legacies are just keep people living in the past and adhering to old ways of doing things and dressing that have no place in modern life. A love

All discrimination is equally shitty.

Nokia phones have a high sensitivity setting. Any gloves will work.

Nokia phones have a high sensitivity setting. Any gloves will work.

I have a Nokia phone. Any and all gloves work just fine.

I have a Nokia phone. Any and all gloves work just fine.

There is a tier on the kickstarter that includes the music. All of these will be added to the mixtape that plays on repeat in in the cassette deck of my future DeLorean summer weekend driver.