
My math still holds true when owning a PS4 and it's handheld companion. PS4 games look amazing on the vita and I love remote play. A PS4 is the best accessory you can buy for the Vita. Far too many Vita games, in my opinion, are a lackluster version of a PS3/4 game with the same title (lego games and movie tie-in

You could also argue that every PS4 release is a Vita remote-play release.

You done good. Well spoken.

European PlayStation Store

Or something like this:

Millennials in the workplace. It's really sad.

Protocol Awakens

I prefer "previously-next-gen".

Star Wars: Force Kin

Some alternates I also just pulled out of my ass:

Pull the cord.

Sanyo branded batteries have been touted as the best for ages. NiCd, NiMH.

Sanyo branded batteries have been touted as the best for ages. NiCd, NiMH.

The best ROI for expensive tech is peace, even if achieving that peace involves nuking a Sirian Toyota dealership with an ICBM.

After all of the videos I've seen of this happening, I can only wonder if the Oculus requires an IQ test before strapping up for a demo. Is Oculus going to require a spotter be present?

So, what's your suggestion? Ruin the hackers fun?

Would kick yours...

I pre-ordered your beautiful game based solely on the amazing artwork. I'm really hoping that the game-play is as excitingly retro-fresh.