
Um... I think this is where I am supposed to "like" your comment. Can't find the thumbs up next to your useless, but interesting, status update.

Absolutely amazing.

In other news; Traffic violations in Video Games Draw State Police Scrutiny.

Someone should write a baby names book called: "Dickproof Baby Names". Mikael should not be chosen for your little boy if your last name is Hunt. It would also help to steer mothers from picking stripper names that are obvious to any father.

Or Han Solo's Kessel Rum.

Siri should link you to places where you can buy Android and Windows phones.

Avenger Mountain: Getting More Back

You've got it all wrong. These are butter covers for Paula Dean's new line of kitchen accessories.

I would, but unions...

I'm going to comment here, in this most public of spaces, assuming everything I write will kept completely confidential. I don't care who reads this, because I know you are all good people who totally agree with my twisted version of reality.

One lobbyist controlled pawn lost to anther lobbyist controlled pawn. Change averted.

The cable support systems they used for these fabricated "moon" videos seem to get stuck on their tracks fairly often. I guess they had to save money somewhere.

In the meantime, give them some video games to play while scientists perfect their shiny new robot bodies.

Technology is driven by two things: War and Porn. 3D is the future!

Smart phones are great. The people that abuse them suck.

The giant hourglass that is the Mayan calendar needs to be turned over in 2012. Is the Earth going to flip over like a giant hourglass in 2012? Who knows? Will we all float into the heavens like some version of expelled spores to seed the universe with life? That would explain the rapture and why society keeps

Elijah Price is not amused.

If there was a "Real Scientists of (a lab near you)" show that incorporated the use of an "every man" host and a couple of large breasted talking heads, science might get a dedicated viewership. The first season could attempt to clone the cast of other reality shows, quickly mature them and put them in a house with

Yeah. Why leave when you can rule. Those aliens didn't think that through very well.

"somehow Bachman gets finalized as our next president"