I was reminded of the Ewok village celebration. My childhood needs a shower.
I was reminded of the Ewok village celebration. My childhood needs a shower.
Apple financing to the rescue! X% for 60 months.
This, but more card table sized. With the ability to hold your cards on an attached imobile device and flip them onto the table. iTab 2-3 would be holographic.
Another failed attempt at creating a mon'Apple'ly.
Leave Walrus Man alone. How would you feel if you were constantly reminded that your teeth resemble balls and your eyes looked like a bowling balls being birthed from a Rodian's vagina?
It means that they won't have bodies built, to house the brains, for another ten years.
This should be featured on "Deal of the Day".
Older mother's are prone to many things. Down Syndrome and Autistism are a couple. Many multiple births are caused by the mother taking fertilization drugs.
Countries are forced from their land quite often. They can pack up and go. I say the world should create a replica somewhere in the world, knock everyone out and move them. They're already isolated. No One would even notice.
Israels neighbors want them to move out. If my neighbors consistently tried to kill me, I would shoot back. If my neighborhood was trying to kill me, I would move.
I really hope the iPhone 5 will be more bar friendly this time around. The iPhone 4 had less than excellent reception.
Who was the 9 year old kid that got a Mac and the Grand Genius to teach him what it does?
Looks like Osama finally got around to reading read Atlas Shrugged.
"would be" should be "would need".
I'll have to start eating at Kosher Delhis more.
"Babies can often have blue eyes for a few days or months after birth, because the melanin - the darkening pigment of the eyes - has not fully developed in the stroma."
The Vatican presumably bundles all non-Catholic believers into the Satanist bucket.