
Some people are just so desperate to be rid of Trump that they’ll lionize anyone who challenges him. That, of course, leaves the door wide open for grifters. There are so many #resistance grifters on Twitter, and the amount of bootlicking they get is really nauseating. Avenatti is a showman, and an effective one at

Please don’t start with the conspiracy crap. That’s right-wing playbook nonsense. 

Do you have any idea how many cis, hetero men lust after trans women (as long as nobody knows about it, of course)? 

This is a vile attack.

Ehhh. People are out here having live bombs mailed to them, getting murdered in synagogues, being curb stomped by right-wing neo-nazis... I couldn’t give less of a damn about this girl spilling some sugar-laden dairy product on someone. Let’s hope it’s curdled and unflavored next time. 

There would be a lot of middle schoolers with criminal records if we arrested everyone who got into food fights. She didn’t throw the milk bottle. It wasn’t hot or caustic. What real danger did she pose to the victim? Law enforcement have discretion in how they handle cases, and charging a woman for throwing milk

I mean, there is a literal pipeline for recruitment into white supremecists groups through misogyny outfits like MRA groups and Gamergate. It’s not just “turns out violent people are violent.” There’s active programming going on.

We all know Mickey can fight, but it's an American prison and Ian is a really attractive guy. If a group of guys wants Ian there's not much Mickey can do. Also, Mickey snitched on a MEXICAN DRUG CARTEL. I'm pretty sure they have people that can take him out fairly easily. This is why realistically it would have been

I would absolutely hate for them to all get “happy endings”. It’s not realistic and it also is contrary to the theme of the show. Nothing good can happen to these people. They’re always almost ok, but whenever they get to that point the rug gets pulled out from underneath them. This is the life that millions of

He also drew a silhouette of Mickey Mouse’s head in the ‘Disney’ area - but I suspect that’s more down to the director than any inspiration on Nancy’s part.

I would have preferred Mexico too. I can imagine horrible things happening to them in prison, but I can also imagine that with Mickey’s connections they COULD be ok. I feel like the writers completely dropped the ball with both characters so long ago that as long as they ended up together I'm ok. It's not perfect,

Lip and Ian used to have the closest relationship among the Gallaghers. I can understand why they drifted (it’s realistic, if sad) but their bro-ship was one of the key components in believing that the Gallaghers were a strong unit.

Noel Fisher is possibly the nicest and most diplomatic man on the planet - he would never say anything bad about the show even if he’d been driven off with pitchforks. The facts of the matter are that he ‘left to pursue other opportunities’ and then basically didn’t work for 12 months, besides making a God-awful

What I find most unsatisfactory about Ian’s exit is that ultimately, he doesn’t deserve what he got. Ian was never irredeemable but they took precisely zero steps to get him to a place where it is satisfying to see them back together. Until last week there was no evidence that Ian remembered who Mickey was at all,

I didn’t watch last week’s ep, but after hearing this was Ian’s last episode I tuned in to see how they did it. Overall, I’m happy. I’ve been done with this show for the better part of 3 seasons so I’m glad that we were given this kind of closure on Ian (and Mickey’s) story that could also function as a stopping point

As a Gallavich shipper, I want to thank you, Myles. It was always therapeutic to read your criticism and get validation because while I, too, have been frustrated with the writing and direction this show has taken in regards to the Mickey/Ian arc, I’m not going to spew vitriol at writers and producers for catharsis.

Last week I though Ian would run away to Mexico and be with Mickey.  Every since Ian’s arrest and media attention I’ve been hoping from at least a call from Mandy or Mickey to him.  I was hoping/thinking “oh he’ll see Mickey in the prison”.  With all the other times the writers have pissed me off with Ian and Mickey I

I was torn. I’m sad to see Cameron leave but that has been my issues with his current storyline...it had no where to go but prison. Sadly the writers haven’t done a good job these past few seasons with many of the characters, especially Ian. It was like they had no clue what to do with him without Mickey. In my

Even though I stopped watching the show this season, I still read these reviews because Myles seems to be as fed up with the show as many of the rest of us. After reading part of the review, I tuned in this week because it’s Ian’slast episode. For so much of the series Ian and Mickey were the main people I cared

I was unaware that Cameron was leaving the show, so I watched this wondering if they were going to time-jump a few months and let him out next episode, something like that. I can’t blame him for leaving. He’s not hurting for work. I do wonder when the writers started directing Ian toward prison, knowing they could