
Was going to tell you to do it because her reaction would tell you something about her, but I just realized how late I am to this post, so.... did you do it?

them: libs need to crack open some Marx

You should give it a try if you haven’t already. Only two episodes in and I’m pretty sure they’re streaming free on AMC.

That would be awesome!

One of the worst cases of whataboutery I’ve seen in a while. It’s truly revolting.

A mere glimpse at the conversation surrounding this case on social media is nauseating.

What the fuck.


I saw him open for Hozier in Philly a few years ago. He’s great.

Just want to take the opportunity to say that I LOVE The Terror so far. The visuals are hauntingly gorgeous. The tone is... well, terrifying. Not in a “monsters jumping out from behind a bush” sort of way, but in a more psychological, “chills you to the bone for reasons you can’t entirely articulate” sort of way. Or

This is so tired and inane. The fact that some of the top comments on a piece that details the horrors of the growing fascist right (horrors that include but are not limited to actually murdering people) are folks whinging about the left and antifascists (the only people who are actually standing up to these Nazi

“Don’t speak to me or my son ever again.”

Also another similar story involving a traveler and his concubine and an old man who takes them in for the night and the old man being willing to give up his own daughter and the concubine to a bunch of rapists outside his door rather than the random dude in his home. Spoiler alert: the old guy’s daughter ends up

The accents might have something to do with it, but personally I think it mostly has to do with the way they angrily spew such hateful vitriol and then end their inane rants with a side of smugness.

Beside the point, I know, but Pirro and Lahren have quite possibly the most obnoxious voices I’ve ever heard. I can’t listen to them without wanting to stab myself in the ears. Wonder if it’s just a coincidence or if it’s a side effect of being racist talking heads who cape for fascists for a living.

I love how these ghouls trying to hide their bigoted anti-trans agenda behind concern for women seem completely oblivious to the fact that they aren’t fooling anyone with two brain cells to rub together. We all know they don’t give a shit about women, cis or trans.

Yeah he’s taken a lot of criticism for past votes on gun control issues, but I don’t think his past or present stances on gun control are why the students reacted like that. Probably has a lot more to do with his other policy positions that young people are drawn to.

Write free poetry in a little Moleskine notebook. Write for free on your secret erotic fiction Tumblr.

Bernie Sanders had a lot of messages people liked

Well said. I hope I have the same attitude when I’m 60. Happy Birthday!