
I forget there is a plot half the time while watching this show, since it mostly serves to give the actors time to shine. I seriously don’t think Jamie Lee Curtis has ever been better in anything than she has been on the Bear. The guest stars this show corrals is truly impressive. Hell, it may be one of John Cena’s

It’s okay, we’re all allowed to be grievously wrong sometimes.

I honestly don’t understand the problem people have with the pacing of this season. I can relate it to the macro problem with media, which is that too many people think Plot is King, a perspective that I think is objectively wrong at best, and indicative of people not having read enough actual stories at worst.

David Zayas David Zayas! David Zayas!
David Zayas David Zayas! David Zayas!
David Zayas David Zayas! Ooooh David Zayas!

Bad Bunny may not have been the best host, but his episode was the best of the year. 

I kind of wanted closure on whether Ted and Michelle got back together, but then I realized, why would I do that to Jason Sudekis, who I generally like?

If he specifically has them get back together, the Internet thinks he’s begging for Olivia back. If he specifically has them stay apart, the Internet thinks he’s

Starting from the beginning, the fact that the show decided to do the Ted/Rebecca fakeout only to find out that it was due to other issues was well-done, if a bit frustrating on first watch. It felt like “Oh, they are gonna do this” and even with Beard coming out, I still wasn’t sure the gas leak was mentioned.

So just to be clear: we're supposed to hate Jason Sudeikis because of a report from a former nanny that both he and Olivia Wilde denied was true, and also because a process server did their job? Even for present-day AV Club, this is a shockingly bad take.

I hate seeing Guillermo sad.

OK see, this was one of the series’ all-timers for me. Genre-swap episodes like this are already a win for me, but the reveal just puts it over the top. 

Is Mark Proksch off shooting a movie elsewhere? It seems as if the whole “baby Colin” story has mostly just amounted to a device to minimize his screen time without writing his character out altogether. It occurred to me that he just made a deal with the WWDITS producers to make minimal appearances while he filmed

Just dropping by as someone who has not even started the final season to say way to go putting a big spoiler as the header image for this article, which anyone on the site will see whether they click it or not. Very cool.

He wanted Walt to believe he had kids, so he staged his house to look like small children lived there, and he mentioned “I never cook this... kids won’t eat it.” It was a ruse to convince Walt that everything they do is for purposes of providing for their families. The irony being, Gus did not have a family, all he

Boy are you wrong about lots of things in one comment

Alan Sepinwall had a pretty interesting take that in Gus’ line of work— and what happened to Max— he knows he can’t let things progress any further than that. This little flirtation is the most Gus can afford himself, and he has to break it off for both David’s safety and his own.

They actually teamed up in the TV movie finale to that wonderful series, so this was a reunion of sorts for the two Mikes (Kellerman and Giordello). Interestingly, this review doesn’t even touch on the fact that Gus was openly flirting with David the waiter, confirming a suspicion many of us had long assumed (and one

I certainly recognized Reed, and the Homicide connection, as well. I took that sequence as a rare instance of Gus letting his guard down, and enjoying a brief flirtation. Then slamming the gates back down and moving on, knowing what his relationship with Max, and, yes, I’m in the ‘they were lovers camp, had cost both

She’s definetely showing up in the next Captain Marvel movie or more strictly speaking she’s starring in The Marvels with Captain Marvel. I expect the movie will do enough to introduce Kamala to a general audience. Though I was a bit surprised as to how much the latest Dr. Strange took for granted that the viewer had

That’s the part that gets me here. For whatever Chuck is right about Jimmy, I think he either has a responsibility to either steer him in the right direction or to wash his hands of him entirely— especially after all the time and effort Jimmy took to help him through his illness. He did neither: He used all his power

This show has always been “all Brian Cox and Jeremy Strong”, then there’s everyone else. Not to say everyone else isn’t great, but Jeremy Strong is utterly amazing. As crazy as this sounds, his silly voice when they’re joking around with Roman blew me away because I didn’t know he had it in him lol.