
great comment! it’s nice to go to a comment section and read someone write something nice about an article they liked on a website they liked! let’s all keep this positive energy rolling.

Wonderful article. One of the best I’ve seen on here in a bit.
It’s too rare in the media landscape to see someone praise something unabashedly and then ALSO back it up with sound reasoning and analysis. It’s fun and a nice change of pace from the rampant negativity and snobbery found on media sites.

Anyway, I don’t

Little Nicky is my favorite Sandler movie. It just hits the right spot for me. >_<

I fucking love this movie.

Although I’d kill to see Paul Ryan in a Tool shirt. Most synergistic band name/fan relationship ever.

Should I have produced this movie? Hell no! Did it get a bunch of Oscar nominations? Oh yeah! Did I marry the leading lady? Yer damn right!

Having been a film student, I can only say this is hilariously wrong. The idea your average, non-NYU, non-California film student could fucking afford plywood, let alone learn to do anything with it on a production timetable, is laughable. We could barely operate the goddamn cameras.

Maybe everyone just accepted that it was a Dread Pirate Roberts situation

JERKS: Don’t force diversity on us, SJW’s!
ME: The 60's had a black Catwoman and a Latino Joker and no one cared.

Sorry, snowflake.

Remember when white people used Chris Rock’s “Black people and N*****s” bit as cover for a whole bunch of terrible opinions? Well I work with people who will happily and unironically repeat what Dave said. Even if he doesn’t believe this shit, he’s making it worse.

Man what the fuck happened to Chappelle? Putting everything else aside this is just fucking lazy. There’s no nuance to this, it’s pure lowest common denominator just say something shocking to get a cheap laugh hack bullshit. This is the dude who walked away from truckloads of money at the height of his fame because he

Abusers don’t universally abuse everyone they come in contact with. There are plenty of women Bill Cosby came in contact with who he didn’t rape. We’re more concerned with the 30-40 that he did. Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp?

“Another day, another Slipknot" 

People know that’s a prop and none of the characters are actually real... right?

I don't understand. People laughed at Bruce Lee for being Asian, and you think the person to blame is Tarantino? 

He WAS ‘a little arrogant’. Matthew Polly says as much in his biography about him ‘Bruce Lee: A Life’, and apparently the same thing is said in the book that Quention mentions above. I don’t know why that’s so hard for people to understand. Yes, he made some bad-ass movies and said some cool shit and was a martial

If I’d seen it I wouldn’t be reading the spoiler article, now would I?

Slutty youths coming to change the future? What the fuck? Seriously. They were coming to murder a bunch of people for incredibly selfish and misguided reasons.