
I’m Mexican (though it’s fair to mention I’m a former Cast Member), and I’ve never met a Mexican who wasn’t amused by the Mexican pavilion.

That’s pretty much all I remember about it. I was so excited, haha. 

I’d say the problem here would be that even castration might not be enough to stop them from hurting anyone else. 

I guess maybe I’d feel a little bad for him if I hadn’t just recently come across a video of him being rude to Kesha on a red carpet.

Just last Sunday my bf caught X-Men Apocalypse on TV.  I remembered Olivia Munn being the worst part of it, but I didn’t remember just how bad it was.   Slightly off-topic, I guess, but I needed to get it off my chest. 

It was the bf’s turn to pick a movie, so I actually paid money to see it.  I did not find it hilarious. 

What I don’t understand is why, having all of Google’s search muscles at its fingertips, it won’t let us create filters. Is “songs released between 2002-2005" too much to ask?

Unless he was smuggling people, I wouldn’t say smuggling made Davos a bad man. Though maybe he killed people to get away with the smuggling. That would be wrong.  My point is Ser Davos is awesome. 

I think what rubbed Oliver (and the accuser, as well as other victims) the wrong way is the fact that while he may have apologized 32 years ago, he is now not only denying that it happened, but belittling her by saying that he still doesn’t know who she is. If he said “32 years ago I made a mistake that caused someone

In my opinion, the live version of MoFo is the best U2 song there is; I wasn’t even a fan back then, but before PopMart Mexico City I had never seen a concert video that made me truly wish I had been there. I don’t get why everyone (the band especially) hates the album so much.

I literally saw this like two days ago and went “Chuck’s Feed & Seed? I don’t get it.”
*hangs head in shame*

Everyone keeps telling me how good John Wick is, and I can’t get around to it because I’m afraid the dog dying (which is something I am fully aware will happen) will make me too sad to appreciate the rest of it all.  

“When a woman caught up with Unruh’s son and told him to leave the Nantucket bar”


I thought Cinderella was super lame.

The more of this happens, the more I’m convinced there have to be pee tapes or worse on each and every Republican out there. There’s no other explanation.

McKayla Maroney’s story is beyond heartbreaking, and her strenght is just admirable. I was molested at 6 and 30 years later it’s still not something I can talk about.

I think the nude lineup is pretty degrading as it is. Forget talent, we’re looking for a piece of meat that looks right.

This is so terribly depressing.

So did those of us watching from beyond the borders.