
Thanks! I really enjoyed it.

I thought she was just being mean. I hope she was. It wouldn't make him feel any better about it, I guess, but I think it's a horrible thing to say to someone who just told you he loved you.

What I think is amazing is that the baby really was Brody's spitting image. Uncanny.

I thought for sure Jonas had come back for Carrie and was going to get shot. It made a lot more sense for him to jump into the woods to look for her than it did for Quinn.

I agree with everything in this comment regarding your agreement regarding the disaster that is Jupiter Ascending except one thing - I hated Cloud Atlas :(

I felt the same way, especially since Martinoli kept saying he was sure Herrera would deny everything, and how he said he wouldn’t press charges because he wanted to be the bigger person, etc.; have you seen the video already, though? Man, those anger management issues run in the family.

Yeah, that's what I thought too; they were definitely trying to weaponize the new invention, and that's why fat InGen guy was so concerned with getting Wu and the embryos out of the island.

Man, I hated Rising Sun, but yeah, I guess it was somewhat informative.

Timmy is an older brother to the most annoying character ever written.

That might have been it.

Before MJ died I remember reading that one of the boys (the first one back in the 90s, if I recall correctly) said his dad had convinced him to lie about MJ being inappropriate with him so they'd make a bunch money. He said for a long time he felt terrible about having lied, because he knew he had stabbed a good

Now I see what you mean, haha.

So now I feel free to say it's a f**ing shame he kept popping up and Kymmi didn't :/

Did nobody else laugh out loud like an idiot at the iPhone joke?

But I like Kenneth and Goofy :(

I hate not knowing whether I should reply to your comment with an observation about later episodes :(

She did develop a weird lishp (even when shpeaking Shpanish) shomewhat reshently. It shoundsh even worsh in English.

I'll believe in the existence of a rich, kind, drop-dead gorgeous man; I'll believe in the existence of a conceited, goofy telenovela actor who is desperate to be part of his 23-year-old daughter; I'll believe in a hotel with secret tunnels and where people get murdered that's still super trendy; I'll believe everyone

I couldn't agree more, but to be fair, the hatesong articles are always "_____ tells us why he/she hates ______", so I know I don't have to click. This was the newsletter's subject title, and included a picture of Punky Brewster, and then it was about a person I don't know's halloween costumes throughout the years.

I'm far from an expert, but I don't think there are any references beyond the title… To me, it's a song about discovering music that changes your life somehow: "I woke up at the moment when the miracle occurred/Heard a song that made some sense out of the world/Everything I ever lost now has been returned/The most