
I do ^^;;

What, I *loved* the Dinosaurs soundtrack. I don't remember any of the songs mentioned in the article (except "Be a hervibore", which was, if I remember correctly, a bunch of vegetables convincing Earl, I guess, to eat them), but I remember loving them :P

Ha! At some point I thought "maybe I should read The Andromeda Strain, that one might be better…" Thanks for the heads-up!

Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park. I read Next and Rising Sun and MAN, I HATED them.

gleefully posted "creepshots" of women taken without their knowledge or consent. In retaliation for the horrifying breach of every Reddit user's internet god-given right to privacy...

Hello, I'd like to give you an extra upvote for your username.

@avclub-2dd78e6d27abfc8092491a5b76d415fa:disqus I believe it was on Neil DeGrasse Tyson's show StarTalk that the writers admitted that they leave the science bits blank and explain the point they want to make (something obnoxious/something about opposites attracting/something that sounds really complicated) and actual

I really really hope that's also how Jim F@#king Parsons got yet another Emmy for being awful in an awful show.