
The original series was great and the US dub of it was completely faithful with no attempts to massage the story at all. I have it on DVD and enjoyed rewatching it all.

If you’re only a bit interested in watching some Ultraman I can give you a couple specific recommendations. There were two series that were aimed at an

My understanding is that Fernandez and Titra Studios did the entire thing but for a small cut in Episode 36, and then other things were cut for the American broadcast. My understanding is that Tsuburaya has the original materials from United Artists Television. The people and sites I heard this from may be wrong.

Ultra Q and Ultraman are both great series. I can't wait to see Hiroko Sakurai in hi-def ❤️❤️

Now all I need is a bluray set of Ambassador Magma/Space Giants and my collection will be complete.

Twitter, you missed a few nazis in the last purge. Time to tent the platform and fumigate again, you know how fast those things multiply.

 Yeah Del York's output has definitely been declining. I mean Shape of Water was a year ago and that only won Best Picture and Best Director. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. Del Toro should just retire gracefully

Shin Godzilla: A satire of ineffectual bureaucracy

The whole Daenerys as Mad Queen thing is strange. Like my definition of “Mad” monarch is based on the book/show interpretation of the Mad King which was that he was insane. I never got that Daenerys was insane. She’s ruthless, but not moreso than Stannis Baratheon or Tywin Lannister or any other major power player in

i’m starting to think my candy company name idea might not catch on as well as I was hoping it would, “My Candy Tastes Like Ass, but At Least its Different Than the Delicious Candy You Already Like


Thank you. The responses on here have been incredibly gross.

That’s the depressing take I’m seeing as well. And people wonder why men don’t report sexual assault. 

Chris Kattan was sexually harassed by Amy Heckerling and everybody only focuses on Lorne Michaels and mocks Chris Kattan? Okayyyyyyyyy...

This shot is a poor example (it’s just a cartoon dragon flapping its wings behind a plate of an actress walking against green screen), but we’re now in an era of cinema in which every element of every shot can be tweaked in post. Orson Welles was pushed to the edge of madness trying to capture the opening shot of

Adding CGI characters to a shot is still cinematography, as the dragon is part of the shot’s final composition.

No, you aren’t. You’re posting a comment on the Internet and seeking approval from others for your opinion.

Look, if you think that a nicer store is worth $10, then cool, I guess. I think that’s absolutely silly. I prefer steam’s ease of use, and GOG’s mission, but I’ll easily take a huge discount.

Yeah, I don’t know about those “massive discounts”. The discounts on SOME games might be very good, but on others, you’ll find cheaper prices throughout the year, plus there’s also that annoying, “this game went up in price right before the sale” that seems to happen frequently on Steam sales. Now, 10 years ago, Steam

You buy on Steam and GOG because they don’t try to give you $10 off?

My biggest takeaway here is that Supergiant seems like a shady as shit company. Seems like they got caught with their finger in the pie.