This part just gets me. How would he like it if people started sabotaging his full time job and taking money directly out of his paycheck in the process?
This part just gets me. How would he like it if people started sabotaging his full time job and taking money directly out of his paycheck in the process?
One reason why I hate Fortnite BR: Save the World feels very second class in terms of development and server allocation.
They seem to believe that what he’s doing is getting results. I tried to use logic on my cousin and he just didn’t get it. I pointed out about how dangerous it is to have someone get killed without any evidence nor a proper trial but apparently it doesn’t happen since murderers are to be taken at their word that some…
Ooh so glad it got rolled into Prime. Now if they’d just fix that super clunky interface...
Yes, it’s better Valve did this than risk their players getting shot by competitors who would then claim they’re drug dealers.
Weed isn’t in the same order as opium, which was the drug that devastated a lot of China. Additionally, a lot of the bans against weed is rooted in textile barons who didn’t want their monopolies being challenged.
Considering the low bar he and his colleagues set, it can’t be that hard. I mean, maybe not abandoning the software side of a product after a few months nor having shitty customer support are the few tips I’d give. Or basically: just don’t copy the old company, which seems to be what they’re going with already.
Here in Canada, KFC and Popeye’s is just not on the same league. Many of my friends also report getting sick after eating KFCs from various locations.
There’s the old adage “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. Translation for the douchebags like this guy: Leave your cultural condescension at the departure airport when you’re visiting a foreign country. You’re a guest and you should act accordingly.
Did some digging and it wasn’t their first. Their heart was already being watched carefully.
I blame Blizzard and Riot for making this popularized. And the respective shitty companies (coughEAcough) for making it ubiquitous even for games that it doesn’t make sense for.
Though to be fair to the first two companies, it’s probably more the COD and Battlefield that initiated this concept when they started having…
Public figure on a city level. Wouldn’t implicate myself any more than that xD.
When I worked at a coffee shop, there was a prominent public figure that came in. I was operating the espresso machine and was quite good at it. I’ve learned some new things and in my youth, took it as gospel. “Skim milk? Bah! That swill is not fit for anyone drinking a latte!” I thought as I put in homogenized milk…
Just gotta do a quick glance at the number of items, then the rate that the cashier’s scanning items. Lastly, which is somewhat discriminatory, you check for elderly or people who generally have their hands full (ie: lone mom with kids jumping about). That last bit has a surprisingly high rate of throwing a monkey…
It’s too late to say this now. They’ve released twitter posts that they’re working on the next Zelda. This is the final version of BotW we’re getting.... *cries*
I think it’s also Nintendo trying not to be like EA (though to be fair, a buttload of other game companies are just as abusive with DLC/microtransactions). There’s no advantage to the DLC armors so there’s no pressure to buy the DLC (for those reasons anyway). At the same time, I think they could have just had similar…
“Customer is always right” is a phrase that got warped over the years. It’s originally meant as a guide for the storekeeper to use what the customers decide to buy to dictate what they should restock. Essentially, doesn’t matter what you think people should buy, what they buy is what’s the correct product to continue…
It’s funny cuz China’s probably keeping their populace in check/happy with the gaming they get to do. Then again, they’re not above massacring their own people at the slightest hint of discontent so maybe it doesn’t matter.
I also just think it’s all just smokes and mirrors. People who aren’t as well-versed with computers would probably benefit from it but people who work with computers regularly should go build their own PC for their home.