
I recall reading news on how a bunch of cam girls had their accounts banned for distributing illicit material on google drive. If the contents are encrypted and only you and people you share can see them, how can they know they were illicit?

I’d be careful on what I’d store on any cloud services tbh...

While I don’t agree with the price, you also need to take into account the skill involved when cosplayers/crafters make an item. That skill doesn’t come for free since it requires training which costs time and money.

That said, I agree regarding decent quality swords for around $100. Bump it up to $300 and you can get

Pretty much this. AMD has to step it up if they want people to choose their products. I had to have an Alienware before due to the financing option (which in the long run is a terrible idea) and I ended up with an AMD card. Bought a Nvidia as soon as I could afford due to all the problems I was getting.

AMD cards are

Go pants the temperamental jock in the class/workplace and then come back and say this. It’s a power dynamic that was being abused by a kid who thought they could do whatever they want.

Same way douchebags treat waiters/waitresses like shit but kiss the ass of their boss.

So, maybe get outta here with this double

My friend met them at a convention. They apparently became disillusioned and stopped caring (which definitely shows in the quality of his work, as per your point). I don’t know the details but I hope every now and then when I visit his website that he’ll feel better and draw more since his update rate fell sharply as

The only game I liked from him was Zone of Enders. I’m pretty sure being the only good mecha game at the time had more to do with it than it being “Made by Kojima” for me.

Typically IMAX or DBOX or “VIP”. I generally use my points on the former two and it’s awesome. Don’t have to worry about getting a seat or not.

Ah, the good ‘ole bystander effect except in election form ie: “someone else will help so I probably don’t have to”. I wonder if that’s also how the current American president got into power...

Yeah, isn’t this by extension the same problem Twitch itself (any many other companies that has the public using its services) is dealing with but on a bigger scale? Lol...

So a video game based on Hong Kong film genre is now getting a film. Seems redundant but I’d still probably watch it since Donnie Yen is in it.

This makes me think of that mileage thing that Chapelle was talking about in his last Netflix special for some reason.

I don’t have much money to spend on games nowadays. Even with the piracy as an option, I don’t want to touch Assassin’s Creed... so fed up with Ubi’s crappy buggy releases (Unity and Syndicate).

The dry clean analogy reminds me of Chappelle’s mileage on a bitch analogy (His last netflix special, specifically the bird revelation).

We had a lot of great people in history who can’t ever be considered perfect especially by today’s standards. I think he should be punished for his crimes (if any) but I don’t think what he’s done should be cancelled out either. I pretty much take a similar position as Dave Chappelle as he’s outlined in his Netflix

For those who didn’t click the link from adn, it sounds like TP’s the aggressor who was attacking everyone. Tazruk and his fiance, who was holding a baby got punched by this maniac.

“Glitch... BFG!” - Bob

If it’s any comfort, only Fortnite BR is doing well. The original component of Fortnite, dubbed “Save the World” after Battle Royale came out has the same looming feeling of doom as Paragon for a while. The update rate dropped off quite a bit since BR’s release and the support staff largely ignores STW reddit whereas

Nightmare was very fun to use in SC3. Rushing down characters with uncaring aggression... Hmm, maybe I’d have more friends if I didn’t pick him so much.

Anyone here read this manga called Goblin Slayer? It’s NSFW but it’s one of the better portrayals of how dangerous goblins can be. Most adventurers overlook how much of a threat they are because they’re so basic and low ranked but in large enough numbers, they destroy the lives of peasants and hapless travelers who

Pretty much this. Having creatures that act like zombies ie: doesn’t think for themselves and just attack attack attack! don’t make for very fun encounters. That’s why there’s tons of lore material to help flesh out how a monster would act.