
I recall a story that one of my art professors tell his students about the times he would go to cons (part of his job as a partner at a publisher, as well as to promote his own published creations). There’s a guy who would go around and ask artists to draw his favourite character... the catch is that the scenario is

To add to this, the core concept is solid. The problem is that progression is all tied to loot llamas. Though it is very possible to get through the Stonewood part of the game with greens, you will need better stats all around to even survive getting caught in melee range by the grunts (nevermind trying to survive a

The worst I saw at a magic tournament was some incompetent (but serious intent) punching to the head by one YuGiOh player to another. Lucky that the guy didn’t know what he was doing at least but he sure tried his darndest.

It’s a mixture of “being sensitive” ie: many shows stopped showing the New York sky line after Sept 11 for a while (broadcasts of shows or films involving planes crashing into buildings or landmarks being destroyed were also on hold) and outright scapegoating. I think the former is just human decency while the latter

^this. the website tvtropes comes to mind as well as basic filmography techniques, which also “stole” heavily from animation storyboarding, which also “stole” heavily from... you get the picture. Most of art is on the basis of building upon techniques learned by artists before. Additionally, there’s framing

DLC civs in 5 always looked OP until they got mixed in with the other civs. Civ 6 continues this tradition imo (ie: Vikings, Aztecs, etc all looked OP in a vacuum as well). The down side to all these advantages they get early is if it’s not capitalized upon, when another Civ’s advantage rolls up, they’re in trouble.

Playing Fortnite now, but this definitely has me intrigued. The dragons and giants were a bit of a left curve as I was watching the video but I think I’ll still check it out.

The discussion pretty much focused on the environmental determinism since it was at the topic at hand. I assume from all the other interactions with him though that he dismissed all those accomplishments. He probably thinks mathematics is a unique European invention that was spread to the rest of the world.

It’s funny because, historically, they’ve been the most predatory and savage of all the ethnic backgrounds combined. At least in terms of violent conquests. There’s a reason why most of us speak English after all...

Fun side note, I had a co-worker who was “not racist” but was explicitly proud about how exceptional

Uh... shouldn’t stabbing it with a knife or drill also be an offense...? ie: destruction of property over $1000. Not all that well-versed in American law however.

You’re wrong, IP portection existed in Russia. Look at Alexey Pajitnov’s Tetris. It made him rich...

Oh wait, no, the government did enforce the IP rights but he had to cede it to them for at least 10 years. But of course, the USSR collapsed by then and he’s only managed to secure the rights in 2004, but by that

This isn’t the complete picture (though it’s how it realistically plays out anyway). Officially, China doesn’t recognize any IP that’s not filed locally. Most international companies (ie: large enough corporations such as Apple) file for IP in China as well as in other places simultaneously because of this. However,

Yeah... I’m sure it has nothing to do with manufacturing centers being virtually monopolized by bigger companies ie: Sony, Apple and Samsung, to name a few. I’m sure Nintendo’s profiting heavily from all those people who want to give their money but can’t. Sure must be nice to have imaginary money!

The power levels in DBZ has been condemned by Toriyama due to their runaway nature and how it was extremely inconsistent (ie: how is a power of 5000 attack able to shatter mountains but super saiyans being in the millions aren’t instakilling... everything).

Notice that in Dragonball Super, where Toriyama has more

Kinda wish game announcements would be more like phone announcements. “Here’s a new game, it’s coming out next month!” How does year-long hype help anyone? Maybe if the games cost $500+ and require us to save up for it for over a year, but they don’t!

TL;DR: I want this game now...

I hate the story and lore of this game so much. But the gameplay and art direction was just so good that I could put up with the nonsensical story while playing. Seems like that’ll be happening again when this finally comes out.

Yeah, I would love to have every anime fighting game be like Guilty Gear xrd. Unfortunately, they’re also quite expensive according to Arc, thus the smaller roster. They had to pre render quite a bit of the action angles, use special rigs, etc. Though that sounds like regular stuff but maybe it’s new to Arc (or

Me too! Never gonna happen though. They either don’t have the resources or if they do, are unwilling to do so.

Whitewashing only cuts one way. Just like racism! Minorities can’t be racist! /s

Personally didn’t have a problem with the GitS casting of Scarlett Johansson but wouldn’t be surprised if the many people that were in uproar about it would now be silent or approving of the casting choices for this. Then again, it’s a

I’ll give you that. Most of the world, definitely has a lot of lying police ie: my home country pretty much has them committing police brutality in broad daylight without fear of repercussions.

 Most of the developed nations? Not so much. Or at least, the cops don’t get away with it at the same rate the american