Nightmares... nightmares @.@. I also predict that the switch was a ruse all along and it’s actually a VR system. Motion controls, check. Display that you can pop into a headset, check!
Nightmares... nightmares @.@. I also predict that the switch was a ruse all along and it’s actually a VR system. Motion controls, check. Display that you can pop into a headset, check!
Yeah... pretty sure american police are known for this technique called LYING.
I’ve said it repeatedly and I’ll say it again: I don’t understand why minorities stay in the US. I’d be terrified of the police who seem to have a license to kill minorities instead of just wary of them (which isn’t great, but still better than wondering all the time whether some random goober will kill me). …
It’s funny how hostile they are to Saudi Arabia’s values yet try to emulate them so much!
The main problem is the range. In most fighting games, being in touching range is a requirement which is why it’s okay for it to be unblockable. A homing grab (relatively speaking) from a distance is a nightmare to deal with especially if you have a huge hitbox.
There’s always something better coming out, especially at the rate things come out. Does that mean we don’t enjoy anything until it’s the last version for sure? Part of the cost for most things involve novelty.
That being said, I do think Nintendo needs to go the way of PC and have it so that if you end up upgrading…
Yeah... people often forget that what works for them doesn’t work for everyone else due to differences in climates. Probably not taking into account that the internet is global...
Borrowed PS3 version, bought the WiiU Bayonetta2+1, and bought Bayonetta 1 on PC! I still haven’t gotten very far in 2 cuz I just don’t sit down and play something on the couch any more =(.
The difference is semantics but more importantly, enforceability. They technically don’t want you to do either (not that they’ll admit to it) but it’s impossible for them to tell you to not share your physical books with friends nor is it even possible to do so with legal backing. That’s how most non-corrupt law…
Ah sports... you’re not always sure but at the back of your mind, there’s always that question of whether it’s rigged.
I’ve always been amused by how points are counted in boxing and the other fighting sports. Easiest one to rig and nobody can really contest the results because they’re so subjective. I’d say a…
WE DEMAND MORE INFORMATION!! (Protoss Voice). Oh and gameplay video... and a Switch release? Please? T.T
Piracy is wrong. However, is it piracy if the consumer wouldn’t be able to access the product otherwise? Probably yes. But at the same time, I think it’s good that these guys exist because it’s been pushing publishers to work faster ie: actually incorporate translation into their workflow. And then there’s the…
Bokoblin on the plateau is a weapon durability sponge... omg! This is gonna be fun!
It’s always surprised me that this was the case. While there are incidents of improper engagements by soldiers, statistically over the same time period, the American soldiers have held themselves to a high standard worlds apart in comparison to the american cops. The latter seems to have this mentality that they’re…
Well, to be fair, if you don’t portray the black women in a negative light, you don’t have to see something awful mistreatment of minority women. You know, if you omit something from history enough, you can pretend as if it never happened! Isn’t that the best for everyone? When white people can pretend these…
“All lives matter!”... Actually, haven’t heard that BS in a while after I cleansed my FB friends list of certain people...
I think it’s fine if people want to look whatever way they want. So long as they don’t expect to get a free pass and insist to have society conform to their reality. In this specific case, I think it’s fine that she’s done this but she can’t get mad if those of African descent are offended because quite frankly, an…
I resent that when someone does something awful, they’re automatically “mentally ill”. Thanks to pop culture (ie: Batman) people assume that the mentally ill are dangerous. While they are unstable, I think it’s time society at large accepts that they’re about as dangerous as normal people (at least as far as my…
No, this sounds about the right description for them. I recall basically just holding off on the trigger mission for as long as possible so that when they do start spawning, they’re 2 shottable.
By that logic, sounds like doesn’t matter what Tesla does since stupid people will always find a way. I could feign sympathy for this man but to be honest, I have more sympathy for the people he endangered and possibly traumatized by his actions.
Tesla wasn’t making a faustian bargain and tricking people. They were…