
Problem with his videos (yes plural) is that they’re often roundabout and obnoxious to watch. They repeat the same statement ad nauseum before ever getting to their point which wasn’t that profound nor clever relative to the build up.
The problem with his specific point in that video, however, is that his argument

As one man-sized baby pointed out on youtube, it’s okay to pirate Nintendo’s games! Never mind that it doesn’t hold up in any measure in terms of ethics and is akin to blaming someone for getting stabbed in a dark alley (they shouldn’t have walked in there).

In any case, sucks when someone fucks up this royally. Then

You mean you’re not impressed by “discourse” coming out of a petulant child? Oh my!

Now playing

There’s tons of broken combos in MTG (even in standard, though it holds the least number). Rarely does Wizards ever outright destroy devastating combos. The set up required is often enough of a risk and there’s too many disruptive cards to assume someone can build their combo easily. The problem with Hearthstone is

I think this is a bit of a cop-out. Driving a bus is certainly more involved than driving a car but with practice, the difference would become inconsequential. The point I got form the article is that men don’t even seem to want to try to better themselves if it benefits their partner.

Re: Switch Flippers. What about those scalpers on Amazon selling the system for 800+?!?! Can we make an example of them too?

I know it’ll never completely go away. But at the same time, you can’t blame criminals for a bank’s poor security if there’s a robbery. Most people blame the bank.
Fun thing that happened a while back: http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/29/us/daring-gold-theft-ny-trnd/ So, do we blame the criminals for wanting to steal?

As a member of the public who has to wait a week, I just wanna say I hate you right now... >=[

In any case, the resulting situation is the same with games that has excellent combat system but poor network system (ie: Blade and Soul). Sooner or later, the hacks will roll in because there’s no defense for it since these games require the least latency possible provided by the network system they have for the

I really wanted this game to succeed, especially with pragmatic depictions of female in armor. Unfortunately, the UI and net infrastructure it uses makes me not want to get the game. The post-match UI often had people oblivious about the “ready” button. Then there’s the issues about the way the game handles network

While I also enjoy the cover artwork AND manual artwork, since they insist on making most of that digital now, might as well go for it thoroughly for economic reasons (smaller weight and volume would save on transport costs).

Only taunt in video games. Taunting in a match where even half a second of bad stance, or poor vision (he took his eyes away from his opponent too) leads to being super open. Serves him right.

I wonder if these idiots would be doing this if the glass wasn’t the type that prevented their hands from getting cut into of pieces when broken into...

Well aware it’s a sociopathic thought. Just lamenting that safety features could be abused by a few to the detriment of many.

The menus aren’t overwhelming, they’re badly designed. The fact that the post-game menu doesn’t bring you into the ready check lobby automatically causes major hiccups because newer players don’t click on the other tabs.

That said, my only other gripe is the netcode and network structure. The latter specifically feels

Uncanny valley.

It can be either the riggers, animators, or 3d modellers but one or all of them are causing something that looks fine in a still look disturbing in motion.

For the animators specifically, notice how they have “anime lip sync” that is, they just open and close. There’s a subtle mouth shape that’s

There’s also his bit about a little girl in Schindler’s list going “GOODBYE JEWS!!!” in a very hateful manner.

Can we not label managers as game developers? It’s like labeling the accountants of a film as filmmakers.

PS: Very aware of there being producers who manage schedules and budgets being a better analogue but the title “producer” morphs in responsibility and scope depending on the show, format, year, etc.

People who don’t understand and are harassing her definitely had loving parents that apparently never taught them empathy. I’ve always taken to understand the saying do not speak ill of the dead applies mostly to people who have no personal experience with the person, or at best a passing one. ie: People who still

What’s keeping me from picking up another Ubisoft game is their style of collectibles. I liked hidden collectibles from Donkey Kong Country, Mario, etc. But for open world, the limit for me would be Witcher 3 style collectible (which were simply side quests for witcher armour). The straw that broke the camel’s back

I really need to know if I can get one without a preorder because none of the digital stores (that I trust) still offers it nor does any of the physical stores within range of me.