
I would equate this custom to cutlery practices. Some cultures like fork and spoon, some like chopsticks, and some like to use bare hands. Depending on who you ask and how much of a xenophobe they are, they would have some nasty things to say about fork and spoons, chopsticks, or bare hands, that more or less equate

I used to only buy used games for the ones I’m on the fence on. Now, I just buy my games digitally ever since hearing this business practice years ago. Now that they’ve become even more aggressive about it, I have doubts about myself buying ANYTHING from these stores again.

Oh there’s tons of people here that are totally racist. Then there was the previous government that was quite determined to ignore many laws for economic gains at the expense of the indigenous people.

Just come to Canada! We’re not perfect by any metric and our current leader’s spent too much time on PR rather than fulfilling campaign promises. But we’re in North America and we have strict laws that forbid racism rather than condone it!

Still.. that Bill C-51 did manage to pass; but fortunately we haven’t seen

Yeah, for sure. One could also argue that it also looks like the suits from XCOM.

Let’s lawsuit up! /s

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephebophilia isn’t a new concept and has been around for quite a while. It’s only been made taboo/illegal depending on where you live in the last hundred years. I’m not saying you should be a predator and go after legally under age girls but rather that there’s a reason why some males

I bought a modular dungeon master screen that’s essentially like a binder cover but with 4 panels and sleeves to put printouts on (ie: quick reference). It works great and was cheap!

This reminds me of the prelude to the financial crisis where fund managers were pressured by the boards to do things that are outright illegal but when shit hit the fan, the boards were safe and reaped the rewards while everyone else suffered for it.

Okay... These “officers” sounded like incredibly menacing kidnappers/ransomers with the “we have your wife and children....”

This is probably beating a dead horse... but I wonder if people actually use “just following orders” as a reason.. or just as a pitiful excuse when the trials begin (ie: roughly half a century ago, lots of people were just following orders).

It really sounds like these people enjoy “following orders” when they say

Pretty much this. As soon as you have more than one person, there will always be politics involved if they’re both free human beings (ie: one isn’t mind controlled).

Are people just asking that games be bland for the sake of never being offended?

I like Valeera’s character from the comics as far as somewhat interesting characters goes. But she doesn’t come across to me as a hero-level rogue, or even a strong average rogue since she was practically carried by Varian and co due to her magic addiction and general inexperience.

If I had some stake in a video game hardware company, I’d be a bit worried if the people who are calling the shots have no clue about video games and doesn’t have consoles of their competitors at home. The buck ultimately stops with them and I suspect the tunnel vision type CEOs are likely to be responsible for many

It’s not really Canada though, it’s just one province (our equivalent of a state) that does it. I think some states in the US also have civilian police oversight but it has the same problem as the SIU in the fact that it has police veterans as senior staff so there’s still that feeling of mistrust. On the other

An investigation by the Evanston Police Department found the use of force justified, but the department has made changes to prevent police takedowns of subjects during an arrest.

The main reason why many countries have a policy of non-negotiation when it comes to ransoms and kidnapping is because they’ve realized that doing so makes their citizens a primary target. South Philippines’ terrorists for example targets specific backgrounds because those countries tend to pay the ransom money (ie:

Got mad...? or excited? xD

He’s probably covering for the country that made sure he got there via hacks. At worse, he really is that dumb and believes half the things he says; but the more likely scenario is that he’s playing the fool so that people don’t take him seriously and underestimate him which has so far resulted in him being put into

If they’re both virgins, there’d be a lot of nervousness. Rather hard (badum tish) to penetrate a very tense anus. The pain would make the girl tense up even more, and considering they’re a virgin, would most likely clamp down in response.
Note that I’m not saying forceful anal penetration isn’t possible (not that

Considering how they booted Smedley for making threatening remarks at, let’s face it, a criminal malicious element, I just want this company to fold (though they seem to be heading that path, so yipee).

I don’t know what anyone expects from any public figure who has their family doxxed and their livelihood threatened.