
I’m so glad to hear this is back. After 3 years I wasn’t holding out hope, so I hope it catches on. 

Well said. A major theme the show (or what I’ve seen so far) explores is the experience of being a gay man in the 60s and a gay artist in particular. Though I’m not one myself, I think this is the show’s dramatic payoff.

I was there, and I gotta say the omission of Yves Tumor and Flying Lotus indicate that the reviewer must have left early and/or missed these sets. Playing opposite Thundercat, Tumor’s set was far more energetic and unpredictable. FlyLo’s set also featured a walk-on by Thundercat, singing his vocals live, which was a

I attribute this single’s success to the fact that Beiber really just sings the hook. 

A lot of The 1975's fans need to see this. 

I think it would work as a movie in the hands of a very edgy director like David Fincher (not to spoil anything, but my first impression of White Tiger was Indian Fight Club - it’s great). Bahrani is not a bad choice, but I wonder if the studio edited it to be more palatable and less dark. 

I’m also wondering if she saw 45 tell the mob he loved them and they were special and realized nobody was going to say that to Eric (or any of the other children except Ivanka). 

In the “Fixing Fargo Season 4" fanfic that I’ve already started to outline, Mike Milligan kills Roulette in the flash forward and that’s how the ghost starts showing up in his life (as Redditors pointed out).

I think the reason Satchel changes his name is twofold: 1) Milligan allows him to avoid his father’s enemies and 2) Mike is the most modern, straightforward ‘American’ name of anybody in this season. It’s not old-fashioned like Satchel or Lemuel and it’s not ethnic either.

I’d like to think Ethelrida goes to Paris, perhaps with Lemuel the musician in tow, to hang out with James Baldwin. 

Although I generally enjoyed this season - particularly the first couple episodes and “East/West” - I thought it was underwritten and I wonder how much of that was because of Covid. I think a story centered on Ethelrida and the central conflict with Oreatta would have been more fun to watch than the rote gang war

The name change situation isn’t confusing if you consider that the Cannons lost their grip on KC and Satchel wants to reinvent himself. He also doesn’t know who the lady is who killed his dad, so he might want to change the family name to throw off his father’s enemies. 

And Sheila E. while we’re at it. 

And on whom better to focus a Serious Man homage than “Rabbi” ;-)

Anybody who didn’t ‘get’ this episode needs to watch A Serious Man. You may not ‘get’ it either, but it touches on a lot of similar themes about chaos, disorder, assimilation, and divine retribution.

I LOVED this episode - and I think our reviewer really needs to go back and watch A Serious Man. As soon as I made the Kansas - Wizard of Oz connection, I knew they were going to bring in the tornado. I’m so glad they also brought in the religious/philosophical aspect too.

Edit (because I realize the above sounds much more mean-spirited than intended): It’s that too, but only a white nurse in 1950 would even consider throwing that back on her employer when confronted with her own wrongdoing. As the opening scenes with Ethelrida getting punished illustrate, pointing out hypocrisy only

It’s that too, but only a white nurse would even consider throwing that back on her employer when confronted with her own wrongdoing.

Or to put it another way, this is how white women have used their privilege to get away with shit for ages. 

Hi Kuma! I’m watching this now (if it’s Boardwalk Empire: KC I’ll take it). Anyway, I’m not sure how I feel about the Italians playing Italian-Americans. Even though they’re strong actors and don’t play into mob stereotypes, the strength of some of their accents seems implausible. Second generation children of