
Maybe it’s just that we can get away with it a bit more in Glasgow due to our “friendly banter” but if anyone speaks to me or one of the guys in my store like that (I work mobile retail) the general response is “who the fuck do you think you are and why the fuck do you think you have the right to speak to anyone like

Its actually quite simple.

I worked Black Friday at a GameStop--once--back in the very early 2000's (I had just come out of undergrad, and was looking for jobs/at graduate schools, and it paid the bills reasonably well—plus, video games).

Never. Again.

I’ve always tried to be nice to retail employees (and anyone in the service industry, really; I

It always strikes me that for all the death and misery from WWI (38M dead), the 1918 flu pandemic killed more people worldwide with 50 - 100M deaths.

Don’t apologize at all Trix. Thank you for this, because it is a great reminder of the people who to this day go out to war and come back similar to what I see in those games and realize “oh, these guys are like that”. Not exactly, but similar.

Thank you for your service, sir. Growing up near and Army base and having a veteran father, I learned early on that “You can be opposed to the war, but ALWAYS support the troops.”

I want to appreciate your service to our country. I am sorry you went through this trauma, and I wish you godspeed in your life and recovery. Thank you for sharing.

You’re a bad motherfucker and I personally appreciate you. Not “thanks for your service”.... none of that. ACTUALLY Thanks for hanging your ass on the line so I can work my little cushy job and come home to my wife and son and play Battlefield and act like I’m somebody special.

Incredible story. I felt something I haven’t felt in a long time.

I’m one of those people who will scroll past a long post but I decided to read this and it gave me chills by the end. Thanks for your service and doing what most people won’t.

Wow! Do not apologize for the length of that story... I was captivated! Thank you so much for sharing!

Like our first commenter (respect) I’m also a soldier. I had a different but similar experience doing route clearance, which is basically going out and looking for bombs on the road. You’re basically heavily armored bait for the explosions so you can move valuable assets through.

Damn, that’s not a book but it’s a nice start of what could be a captivating one.

Damn. Thank you for sharing that.

That’s pretty crazy. I for one definitely don’t mind long posts when they have good content.

As a new BF multiplayer participant, it really is clutch-your-rifle harsh, unforgiving, and bleak. So many exhalations after inadvertently holding my breath. In a way, BF1 has been one of the most successful at making players feel like they’re “in that world”, which results in me having to wipe the sweat off my

It has been 9 years since I deployed to Iraq. I spent 15 months there doing convoy recovery. Since I got back I’ve dealt with at times crippling PTSD, and about three years ago my therapist recommended I try playing a more realistic war game, as it apparently helps many people (though honestly I don’t know how). At

God damn I love when Kirk writes an article on a chill Friday. Anyway, this is some of the best Battlefield multiplayer I’ve had since BF2 back in 05, at the same time this is the most gritty of the BF’s. Everything about the multiplayer just feels harsh, unforgiving and bleak all thanks to the atmosphere of each

This, and the people who use proper military jargon in Battlefield games, are a fucking treasure. I really hope to play with someone like this someday.

More like Vulcan Mind Melt