Former Goalkeeper

Fore! the last time can people stop this shit.

A) it’s boxing; vast majority of people don’t REALLY care b) how can anyone who loves boxing believe the outcome anymore?

It may just be me and my mobile device lifestyle combined with confirmation bias but are 60% of videos on deadspin not supported until the do the new 2-click on Kinja?

You started defending a rapist because he had his rights stripped from him

Thanks for getting me to read this eBook for the 3rd time 3/0 wish I whitake didn’t exist would recommend

But also why does a cop need an ar-15?

Livan, Livan lost his money

It’s nice to know that people like you will breakdown a vicious ass kicking by people “in charge”

If I’m being honest I really wish deadspin covered more sports I don’t really understand. I remember you knuckleheads doing some posts as primers on lesser known sports (at least in America) but it kind of stops there outside of a single peculiar event. Can anyone teach me about hurling????

You seem to be confusing “defend all of our rights” with “defend the right to make sure people die as intended”. There’s lobbyists and then there bought and paid for lobbyists.

I think that gaming culture is just super, overly toxic. There’s a plurality of gamers who forget they’re playing a freaking game. This isn’t real life but the game matters more to them.

So freaking true. My gf in college was huge into gaming; table top, card, video games, role playing, larp. But she was always the “”girl” like it was a rpg class. I got my ass owned by her when I introduced her to smash Bros (brawl) because I “took it easy” on her and we ended up about even in our 1v1 matches (we

I dug it since it reminded me of big band from skullgirls

I can’t draw good

I was a 10 letter varsity athlete in high school in CT. I got so much shit done to me goalkeeping in soccer, crease defender in lacrosse and wrestling. I was thrown out of 1 game my entire 3 season, amateur career. Kid was but checking me during a lacrosse game when the refs weren’t looking. Combined effort of 3

Nah, mine was in the expanse towards the beginning. It’s the first time I saw a scrapper though! Hope you’re having an amazing day!

Man, Patricia, can you write! Great review! I don’t feel the same way as I’m playing but to each their own. I think the difference between us is you’re paid to have a critical eye and I paid to play the game so I’m always going to try and justify my choice and you’re going to justify having so many people trust

I’ve probably seen that but haven’t noticed! Im a huge fan of overarching hung narrative and gameplay mechanics that I tend to ignore anything but the most glaring flaws! Hope your day’s going fantastic!

The biggest problem I had was figuring out how to climb to the top of a rock to help some poor lady find her husband!

I preordered the shit out of this game and worked great out of the gate! I just don’t see what there was to fix!