AKA Hermione

Park Forest (and the whole 2nd Congressional District) is one of the most integrated areas in the state. While majority African-American, about 1/3 is white and 1/6 is Latinx.

Chicago is the only reason why Illinois is relevant and isn’t considered along the same lines as Indiana and Wisconsin.

As a Chicago native, please believe that I’ve forever wished that Chicago could break away and form it’s own state. All the red counties outside of Cook can go to fucking hell. And the next time someone from Schaumburg or Crystal Lake tells me they’re from Chicago I’m gong to stab them in the eye.

Hahahahaha sure dude, we’ll split off and be a state called Chicagoland, and you all can live in “OMG holy shit we have no money for anything”. Enjoy that.

When has the ruling party stacking the deck with military officials ever backfi....wait...

HAHAHAHA Park Forest. It’s one of the suburbs furthest from Chicago that, like the rest of the southern suburbs, is an economically poor, business-less wasteland, full of cheap land, old, decrepit businesses that have been gone for decades, and a place where there is absolutely nothing to do.

Give em a Gen. Inch and they’ll take a prison yard.

“I’ll get that wall even if I have to shut the government down”

Trump is going to jail. He’s going to try and burn as much of the US down as he can before he’s removed from office.

I think it’s worth keeping in mind that slippery slopes work in both directions, so usually they aren’t really an argument for or against anything. E.g., “Saying anyone should be able to buy guns is a slippery slope to letting criminals in prison have guns.” Slippery slope arguments are an indirect reminder of the

I am not a gun person but this begs the question: What do we do? Gun ownership will never be outlawed in the USA, that’s clear. How do you regulate a legal activity based on someone’s opinion? That is a slippery slope.

Oh, I see the paid, eclipse glasses industrial complex, shills have shown up.

Don’t look at the eclipse without protecting your eyes, you fucking idiots.

As editor in chief of Splinter, I must state that Splinter does not endorse Hamilton Nolan’s views about the eclipse. I do, however, support him emotionally.

Good grief.

Young Republicans are left with garbage like Milo Yiannopolis and Mike Cernovich because their actual governing policy is completely intellectually and morally indefensible.

The best Chris Pratt is Derek Theler

Yes, this is the correct take.

Shaved head on a dirtbike? Shit she gettin’.... MOTOCROSSED.