AKA Hermione

I don’t think drag kings are locked out...the show is just about drag queens. If you want to see a reality show competition about drag kings, start one if you’re all huffy about it.

Drag Queens are not dressing up as “transgender” - they’re literally dressing up as an exaggerated impression of a female to perform, and then they undress after they perform and live their lives however they see fit.

If you’re interested, I chose to quit smoking at the turn of the year (last one was Jan 4, 2018!) and I chose a Juno over a Juul - mostly because they have pods that are only 18mg per cartridge - WAY less than the 58mg in the Juul. You can also get the starter pack at 36mg per cartridge, but even then, for me, it was

Then there was the fact that his instagram texts revealed he was illegally riding in an older kids car while lying about his age and his relationship to one of his friends (said he was his friends older brother and 19, but it turns out he’s 17 and it’s illegal for him to have passengers).

Has Paul Ryan’s Left Bicep ever visited Kinja before? I’d like to speak with him. Maybe he’s less hot take and more astute.

Here’s another follow up -

if you really want to love him, just search Childish Gambino on Spotify, start with Camp, move to Because the Internet and then onto Awaken, My Love, and you might just have one of those straight four hour erections the doctors say to call them about if you have too much Viagra.

I get a little worked up over my opinion on Van Jones and how wishy-washy and full of “truthiness” (which is odd as that’s a conservative trick, right?) - but I think he does have a really valid point about not insulting each other as that makes these sensitive issues much worse.

I think an outlier factor is the entertainment industry as well, albeit not a very influential one, but it’s still a factor nonetheless.

Lately, I’ve been deep diving into method crisis, which, tbh, has been ENLIGHTENING.

My same thoughts all the way on this. He campaigned on a platform of ousting the deep state, he cried failure to be elected before he was elected was because of the deep state, but then he gets elected....and he hasn’t exposed the deep state? or did the deep state get you elected? Or did you get elected despite the

Considering this is Tina’s first major vote...she would be ranked no 1. Remember, she took Franken’s seat.

Honestly, I have hope that he will be one of the first modern presidents to have jack shit named after him.

Their second biggest weakness is their belief that McConnell and Ryan will listen to bipartisanship legislation.

+1 star Katie for the tag ‘have you met Mitch McConnell’ - I audibly laughuffed.

I’m absolutely dying for someone to retort to Tucker back - why do you think Norwegians don’t want to immigrate here?

Within the first 5 minutes - you can’t miss her, and it’s a close up of her for her line...for all the good things nuStar Wars is, the background characters still look really white and male!

I have a John Frieda hairdryer that has a detachable back on the fan so I can clean the lint off the back like you would in a lent catch on a dryer.

Girl, real life question so I can steal your secretssss...

She was a rebel on the bridge at the VERY beginning of the movie, and she has a line that she shouts out to Leia et al. while Poe is leading the attack!