AKA Hermione

Somewhere along the lines in the past year or so, I remember either reading a short narrative or book about young Chinese coming over to the US via NYC to get jobs. And they all ended up working in Chinese restaurants - or they were placed in restaurants by a job service for Chinese by the Chinese to basically get

There’s a great ep of Parks and Rec where they do the rotating bachelor party and Jerry sits down at a table meant for the Gingrich party. Newt looks at Jerry and says something like “I don’t think so Jerry” - joining in on the long running gag of shitting on Jerry every episode.

Somewhere Hillary is walking in the woods as the trees whisper....Benghazi.

“I, I am not able to be rushed this fast,” Sessions stammered. “It makes me nervous.”

Oh I definitely have a do not disturb feature on my iphone for sure. Normally she tweets when she first gets up in the AM, like one or two of them so it doesn’t bother me.

This is an excellent comment and needs more stars.

But the ratings are GREAT.

I get her tweets pushed to my phone, and since I’m in CS time, the onslaught usually comes at 1/2am.

Less than that! Local elections are already in swing!

If anyone can find that damn pee tape, she can!

No, you can’t. Not if you want the most modern, state of the art subway system in the world, which is what everyone seemingly wants.

Man, I get so sad when I think about this time last year and how I was blissfully attempting to get out of the greys at Gawker.

Has it been uttered recently in the halls of the Capitol Building by GOPers: “At least Obama was an intelligent guy.”

I’d love to meet a Dem that has a favorable view of Cheetolini.


The weird thing is...you both kind of seem to be on the same side here?? It’s just come down to the minutiae of words?

I agree with absolutely ZERO policy stances with him, but he won’t weaponize twitter as a diplomacy tactic with North Korea, so, you know, that’s a step in the right direction.

Don’t forget, you can make your opinion matter at the polls sometimes twice a year, but definitely every year.

Here comes my Hot Take Alert!