AKA Hermione

This is the best image of the day.

the “this is a tech blog!!!!!!” comments are only second to “io9 used to be good before it was absorbed!!!!!!!!!”

They may just not give a shit about the environment, instead of being totally anti-environment. The dems have to craft their message.

I would kill for a redneck democrat running for office to get up to a microphone and say this:

Up until this past November, I had a fascinating vision of what it must be like working in the WH. I spent a good part of my career thus far doing PR, and PR in a “normal” environment is a fucking nightmare.

Or a straw?

I’d like to refute that and say this isn’t Chicago behavior...at least in the 6 years I’ve lived here, I’ve never seen or experienced hate like this.

I like to bring up to bigots that there was this thing called the Islamic Scientific Enlightenment a few centuries back...they curdle in shame and then deny.

The last place the “jihadis” will run through in the US is backwater, bumfuck no where Southern USA. For a number of reasons, primarily sparse population. What makes a bigger statement, Oxford, Mississippi or Chicago?

I’m not Raven, so I can’t predict the future....

More importantly - why is Jezza a nickname for Jeremy?

Dumb question, especially with my exceptionally British moniker, but what happens for the position of PM when neither party can form a government? Is there some kind of vote off in the House of Lords/Commons? If Labour forms a coalition with the Scottish Nationals...do the Scottish Nationals get to have a face off

SMDH with this. What is wrong with people?

Mass Incarceration didn’t really hit its stride til the Clintons were in the WH, but either way I get your point.

I want to add on to your excellent three year comment.

I thoroughly enjoyed this article re: corrupt figures shouldn’t run!

Alright. I’m not saying you’re leading an alt right brigade of free speech here, calm down.

I just don’t see why Rafi, a seemingly nice, white, Jewish guy, would think its fine to print the n word out instead of just saying the n word.

I had to tell myself to cut it out too.

He’s popping up in other comment threads, trolling. Go check his account, he’s a garden variety troll gnome.