We need to stop feeding this troll.
We need to stop feeding this troll.
Again, your “hot takes” are ill informed.
Similar to how the NFL punishes (sometimes) bad behavior, HBO should do the same? Cancel him? Nah. They’re not stupid. But postpone his show for a month? Pull the guest booking money for the summer? Fine him $$$ for making an ass out of himself in the network? Any of those things would be acceptable.
Someone from Fusion needs to unfollow this fucking clown.
1. Your response makes no sense to what I said troll.
I’m not joking. He’s being just as sensational by using the full word as Maher.
In plain speak please for us people who don’t know what your hinting at “certain settler-colonialist state”
I’m waiting for Elon to make his solar roof tiles cheaper than regular roof tiles and not make a dime off it just to spite 45. Since Thursday he’s seemed pretty hellbound to really try to take on the mantle of Captain Planet.
So slightly off the climate change topic but adding an anecdote to the story...
Rafi, you are right. The rules do apply. To him and everyone in the industry.
I feel that the word penultimate is still in rotation if you’re a TV reviewer/critic. Hope is not lost.
Honestly didn’t know this was a thing til I crawled out from under my House of Cards binge blanket earlier this evening.
Gee Brain, what are we going to do tonight?!
I’m here to agree with your genuine outrage and Myles’ contrived outrage.
My mom, step dad and I always joke about my cousin becoming a stripper, but I wouldn’t ever say that to her, or say, at her college graduation in a few years.
I read it as a joke but still, add a /s when you’re doin your sarcastic hot takes, ok?
Let’s play the speculation game!
I watched this last night. Beautiful. It’s rare these days for a comedy special/comedian to tell just one story for an hour. A lot of comedians have a theme sure, but it’s broken down into 8-10 minute segments. I would say he had segments...But not really. It felt like he was telling his story outdoors life, as if he…
They have THREE kids. Makes you think....oh dear god I don’t want to think about that!
You are right about the $$$ part, but that’s the problem in America - the education to people about costs and the lack of knowledge/education of Americans to understand it.