AKA Hermione

I’ve seen him on the eL so many times! Both on the Brown Line up where he lives and a few times randomly at the Western Blue Line stop on the NW side.

You need more stars sir.

I would concur, but I’d rather say that the two factions should just split.

We gotta move past comparing primaries to the general.

I’d leave Manchin out of it. He’s a WVa democrat.

I’ll pull you out of the greys for a great comment. Stars abound.

Again, he is corrupt. I acknowledge that. But he also makes a good point about tailoring candidates to their district. You can’t put a centrist candidate up in the center of SFO and a socialist up in a district in the middle of Montana.

Yup. It is what I’m saying. And it’s not popular to say that.

I think you misread me.

Two sides of the same coin! I think people forget about Chicago sometimes - that we aren’t as liberal as people think, and we aren’t as conservative either.

Comparatively though, those are just the voters who are 1) registered for a party and 2) are enthused enough to vote in primaries. Something crazy like 42% of voters didn’t even turn out for the big election, much less primaries.

True. But taxation without representation is also a common phrase thrown around when learning about the founding of America.

Garcetti definitely has a wide spread appeal. I wonder if they unleashed him in the US if it would make a dent in the party or if they would shuffle him aside. I’m not familiar with his fundraising efforts, but if they were strong, I could see him starting to make waves before 2020.

I don’t know where your getting my Marxist bent from...at all.

Fair. If I supposed with Nebraska maybe, it would be a fairer comparison.

I agree. If you live in a super blue state and you have super liberal, progressive candidates, please by all means vote for them!

You hit the nail right on the head.

Do you have another solution on how to win, or how to meet in the middle with how fractured the party is?

If you think the socialism far left dems outnumber the moderate, centrist dems in the middle part of the country, I’d really love some of whatever you’re smoking.

Will that dynasty ever go away? Ever???