AKA Hermione

If he holds true to how he ran a campaign, this dumpster fire is going to be fucking spectacular. The ONLY people he has in his way is the American people. And we are goldfish memoried, blood thirsty heathens who love to hold people accountable for every day tragedies like traffic jams and wearing white after Labor

My theory?

I like your outlook and explanation, makes more sense now.

I’m just wondering where you hear people drone on about the 85 Bears, because the only moaning I hear about the Bears is about how they just can’t keep their shit together. You have to be over 45 to actually remember the Bears winning and it having an effect on you.

I expect Cubs fans to be a drunk mess through Feb.

Who? What? When? Where? Do you even live in city limits?

TBH living in Chicago the past 5 years, going to a cubs game isn’t like going to the dawg pound in CLE or to a Red Wings game in Detroit. It’s such a casual and honestly touristy experience. For sure there are a TON of die hard fans in Chicago, the metro area is 12mm+. But tourism is huge for this city and the

You ain’t lyin. I live in Logan Square aka Torta Heaven

I work in Chicago doing event marketing, and a few years back, we were looking for judges for an event we were throwing in the summer. We had Big Cat come into our offices as we were looking for local celebs/influencers to ground the event in Chicago and make it more relevant.

I was thinking Rick Astley, but knew that we couldn’t get rick rolled that bad.

pretty ballsy comment tho, so i’ll give you that star.

don’t click bait comments and not tell the tale! That’s worse than what Jez does!!!

Your comment belongs in a past timeline when Denton still owned what is now a defunct business called Gawker Media.

Did you dress up as Captain Capitalist for Halloween today? Or do you always want to shit on foreign economies so that the US will never have “competiton”?

I too get annoyed with the “American alt left” revolution talk. I like to read HamNo quite a bit, but when he starts getting self consumed, like in this article, I start to get angry and twitchy. Like no shit Sherlock, what did you think you were going to hear from your socialist heroes in SFO? To start the revolution

I love when you get all “get off my lawn you faux journalists!” on me HamNo!

Is it a bad thing that they’re the most regulated? I’m not a fan of big conglomerates, but I also don’t see self-regulation as a thing that can actually happen in a capitalist society with no real consequence.

If you are so pissed they moved the gawker writers over to a sub blog that is suppose to be about chatter about the news that is not sports related, then STOP CLICKING ON THE ARTICLES AND COMMENTING. If you want to read economic news, go to the Atlantic or whatever.

How I imagine this would play out:

I think he was a bernie guy. But I think he feels like there is enough pro Hillary love out there on the talk show circuit (cough Chelsea Handler cough) so he just wants to direct his energy into explaining how our country got here in the first place.