AKA Hermione

I would be reporting assholes like that all day to the cops. 2nd amendment blah blah blah I’m not going to take your gun away but I will get you fined for harassment with a firearm. The second amendment doesn’t say anything about letting people intimidate others with a weapon.

I think Marla keeps her at a distance - reap from the benefits, stay away from becoming a robot from Trump Tower.

Altoids are the altruistic choice.

People are saying this, many people:


I knew the comments would start to get vulva.

The most impressive feat of this whole campaign is how Trump just seems to wipe the board with any and every prominent never of the GOP. Just straight up embarrasses them or gives them a short rope to hang themselves with. Seriously every big party member plus Yes Man Pence. Few of them are coming out unscathed or at

She's wearing a heavy bullet proof vest under all those clothes. Has been for months. You wouldn't over heat in humid weather with a bullet proof vest under a whole suit would you?


Bless you.

Did you know he freed the slaves? Not sure many people know that about him. He, like Trump, is a current Republican. That's right - current!

🤔 Peter is that you again?

Ohio doesn't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan.

we’ve got to get this woman a grammar editor STAT.

I feel like I've been reading the five book combined GoT set from Kindle for like two years now. It never ends.

Will you please please please do all the weekly commentary during college football season please??

What are your thoughts on millennials and unions? I work in the marketing world where turn over is high. Do unions benefit workers in the sexy millennial industries who only keep a job for two years before hopping companies? I was at a brand for eight years before going agency side to broaden my skill set but as most

Just eyeballin here - looks like a category DD, roughly about 34mi across.

This is pure gold silver plating clad in gold leaf.

Boomer was the best Bengals player of all time, don’t hate.