The Diarrhea Incident 2: Giardia Rising: The Owls of Gahoole
The Diarrhea Incident 2: Giardia Rising: The Owls of Gahoole
I think Miss Minutes (the animated character from the early eps) has to come back into this somehow. No idea how.
As a proud Filipino, I will gladly take every box of Tagalogs to help thwart this crisis.
Damn! Now that her name’s been thrown out there, I’m kind of mad Jameela isn’t playing She-Hulk herself! I mean, she can do comedy and she’s already tall! It’s right there!
I know this is going to sound HORRIBLE ... but after reading the headline, was anyone else relieved that his death wasn’t a result of drug abuse or suicide?
I LOVE Jack Kirby, but most of his deep space god mythology stuff all blurs together into a gruel for me.
I will watch it and I am totally rooting for Kumail because I want my sons to see a superhero that looks like them on screen(well at least one of them, the joys of interracial marriage and genetics means I have one son who looks like he could be a cousin to Kumail and my other son looks like he could be Chris Evans…
Good advice but keep in mind this was written by a person who works for Jim Spanfeller.
I’m trying to wrap my head around the sight of Prince and Sinead O’Connor involved in a foot chase through L.A. in the middle of the night and NOT have “Yakety Sax” play in my head when I do.
For God’s sake, Sam, can we cut this nonsense out? The “backlash” to the new Disney ride consisted entirely of one editorial on SFGate before Fox News picked it up and ran with their brand new culture war football. There is no need to play their game. I don’t care what two people on some editorial webpage have to say:…
I found out that a guy who bullied me in high school is a vice principal at a small town middle school. I considered it his penance. It was also 20 years after high school that I found out. Eight years might have felt too fresh to be convinced that he had some great insight into his behavior and made a life change,…
I’m someone who has gone to a school district over a similar issue with a former bully, and I wholeheartedly disagree with all of this advice except the volunteering bit.
Could be worse, your school tormentor could be someone now internationally known in their field and in the news a lot because of it meaning you have to be constantly reminded of the many years they made your life shit and that it’ll never even become a footnote in any telling of their life story...
Paramount Plus has got to have the least ROI of any of the streaming services. The content you get for the price you pay is so not worth it.
I got caught up in the rush and may have overspent. I like Pina Coladas but Rupert Holmes’ catalog wasn’t worth $125 mil.
I literally had to pause the show and go have a cocktail and a cigarette to calm myself down after RuPaul pushed Kandy into the final.
I can’t begin to tell you how deeply screwed up that ending left a 6-year old me when this came out. The bad guy literally IN HELL encased in the body of the killer robot he created.
It is CRAZY how much these Trump supporters are getting duped, grifted, and fucked over by their own team, and even after having to go through their banks to get their money back, are still on team Trump.
Considering Johnny Depp and now Armie Hammer, Branagh’s Poirot films have a weird knack of SPOILERS FOR AN EIGHTY-ODD YEAR OLD MYSTERY NOVEL casting real-life Hollywood scumbags who end up getting their comeuppance at the end.