aka CSaughmyeye

there was a failed TV pilot called Chameleons. Young superhero training to take over older one’s job, rich female sidekick/daughter of the older hero. It was pretty bad, but I still remember some great lines, like the following read at the older hero’s funeral: “a corpse is a corpse, of course of course...”

“like something from a Greek myth”

so... he whizzed on the electric fence, then.

seconded re: Without A Clue.

not. playing. around.

I’m hoping that after getting the T off the sign he took a coffee break so the sign just said RUMP for an extended period of time

maybe I’m missing a step here but why aren’t they dating each other? Unless they can’t stand each other either?

oh Donald hon believe me there’s nothing that would make people smile more than you getting a big dose of clap

it’s not how someone looks that’s creepy, it’s how they look at others.

And now the Obamas fucking hate Weinstein, too. “Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein,” Obama said in a statement on Tuesday. “Any man who demeans and degrades women in such a fashion needs to be condemned an held accountable, regardless of wealth or status.”

sneak PEAK? are the editors on vacation this weekend?

fave if you know why

best comment I saw on this: “Woke or Pepsi?”

can’t remember any really bad April Fool’s thing, mostly bc my family were pulling pranks on each other constantly so it all kind of blurs together.

was going to star this for a Katerina Witt reference until I realized there wasn’t one. Oh well.

Aka the “just the tip” method of selling books. How will you know you won’t enjoy it?

Some friends of mine and I have determined that Tiffany - in addition to the tax returns, the 6foot portrait, Mar-a-lago, the Tim Tebow helmet, and that red hat in the glass box - are Trump’s horcruxes

I hope he gets shanked in the food line over a stale bologna sandwich and takes a long time to bleed out

Fox took a peak

Fyi Stephen King used this story as the basis a throwaway jump scare in one of his early books, I think it was the beginning of Cujo.