
That's not what I meant. What I'm saying is that the US feels like the only place where people would feel they have the right to complain about a scientific TV show for not complying to their believes. It's the same issue as creationism as science in schools, the US being one of the few countries in this side of the…

Every time I read news like this, the only thing I can think of is "AMERICA AMERICA AMERICA" repeating out loud in my brain. And I know I'm probably stereotyping this issue, but I can't help but feel like you are the only place in the Western world where this would be an issue.

Koogler TV show or just get out.

The kind of episode that makes me wonder how are people considering Community "not as good as it once was". The show has missed the mark on some high-concept episodes ever since S2 (Basic Rocket Science, anyone?), and this was as good as a "flawed" episode gets. Not even season 3 was so high at its lows.


To be fair, it was written by Giorgio Moroder and Tom Whitlock (who also co-wrote Take My Breath Away)

Well, both obscure and strangely spelled, that was one hard to get.

A. Seriously, do you people have no heart?

They're all over indie music blogs, which is as far as recognition goes here I guess.

Probably tastes like a regional soda we have in part of Brazil called GuaranĂ¡ Jesus. It's freaking pink.

Good, because Irn Bru tastes like the sweetest flavor of Gatorade possible.

Seeing that I did not see the joke until you all pointed it out, it may have been in good faith.

Jesus, are those guys really a thing? I've heard them before and found them to be OK but not that remarkable. Stuff that gets recognition out of this country simply puzzles me sometimes.

No, it means nothing.

Wait, but why would they want to make people go bald if that would only drive up the need for wigs?

1. Odelay
2. One Foot in the Grave
3. Mutations
4. Mellow Gold
5. Midnite Vultures
6. Guero
7. Modern Guilt
8. The Information
9. Sea Change
10. Stereopathetic Soulmanure

I have been updating the same mix of revival songs ever since it started. It's getting better.

I'd swap Motivational Jumpsuit and Bears for Lunch. But I agree that ELL is really subpar.

I can't find that figure stated anywhere, but that's not the point. We're 5 episodes in. Give it time.
If you do the math, a chance encounter with someone who has been with a HIV positive person, but not one who himself is, makes a lot of sense statistically.

Weirdest Top Chef episode ever