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    So now it was just announced that Cuban sold his majority stake in the Mavericks too. Sure seems like he’s gearing up for a political campaign.

    Not even Thanos ever got his name in the title.

    Well also, Mark wasn’t part of the regular cast in S2. He was a guest shark on three of nine episodes (per Wiki) and became a regular in S3.

    Jokes aside, Mark Cuban really has made Shark Tank work because he’s a billionaire people generally know and like. It seems like more than half of the people pitching on the show want him to be their shark. Kind of wonder how they’ll replace him. 

    He’s just great at everything he does IMO. His Fletch movie was great - I hope he gets the opportunity to do more of those.

    I’m just going off of what Google said but what I read said at least four days of jail time is mandatory in California for two DUIs within as short of a period of time as Haddish has gotten them.

    You may not have intended it that way but plenty of people do justify terrible things that people do based on their past. And what I think she deserves is the same typical punishment that any non-celebrity or person without the means to hire a high-priced lawyer would get for a second DUI within 1-2 years. Which does

    This is inexcusable. You can say everyone makes mistakes but this is her second time. You can say she has personal trauma but that doesn’t justify putting other innocent people in danger by driving drunk. She’s famous enough that she can afford a driver or rideshare when she decides to drink. Hopefully there are some

    None of that justifies her putting other people in danger. A rich celebrity can certainly afford to pay for a driver when they drink. I hope she gets the consequences she deserves this time around.

    What a goober this guy is. Decides he gets to say what a show he had no creative or other input on is about and presides over what sounds like a hellish production where contestants had to work through terrible conditions for a competition that has been accused of being fixed to begin with.

    How about a name that is satisfies both needs? The Karate Kid: This Time It’s Kung-Fu

    I agree with you. Just allow Ayer to release his original script and speak to the changes. I’d honestly be more interested in a one-hour special where he walks through the studio interference and changes to his vision than I would in actually seeing his vision.

    You think $70m to reshoot and produce a movie that was already a critical failure is cheap? The animated movies DC puts out cost $3-4m to make on average. They could have made 20 animated movies for the same cost of Snyder’s cut of JL. You can tell me that won’t appeal to a lot of people but surely there is

    I can see Hoult doing a good job with the role. But I really hope this movie features some Superman villains that haven’t been done in live-action film before. Parasite, Brainiac, Metallo, Mongul, Mxyzpltk, etc. There are more villains than just Lex and Zod.

    I don’t find it that shocking. Franchise movies don’t exist in a vacuum. They get or lose momentum from their predecessors. The MCU hasn’t had just one disappointing movie, they’ve had several. So audiences aren’t blindly buying tickets to their next releases like they used to. They’re paying attention to reviews and

    Good info and great username! 

    When someone claims they are “fucking exhausted” of something yet continue to read articles about it and comment more than anyone else is about it, it’s odd. It has nothing to do with you being critical about him, it’s because of the quoted words you used.

    So stop paying attention dude. It’s not like Nathan Fielder is everywhere all the time. He pops up now and then when he has new stuff coming out like every other person in Hollywood.

    Looking at his imdb page, I see a lot of secondary rate roles and TV movies, and most prominently the series “Nathan for You”, where he apparently plays a poor-man version of Sacha Baron Cohen.

    Now playing

    Was it below interview (starting at 38:41)? She doesn’t seem that bitter about it to me and it doesn’t seem like she tried to get more money as she was offered a ton to stay. Maybe Allen made the decision to leave himself and that ended it for her but can’t fault someone else for not wanting to keep working on