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    I may have heard wrong but I thought what was said is that they didn’t think Sunfyre would make it. That’s what the recaps I’ve read elsewhere have said too.

    I think it’s too early to tell if the kid actors will become stars or not. The production schedule for Stranger Things the last few years seems crazy - it’s already elongated because of how long the episodes are turning out to be but then it’s also been impacted by a global pandemic and two strikes. I have to imagine

    The book in this case is presented as a history book - it’s not meant to be a representation of exactly what happened but a compilation by an archmaester historian and there are even inconsistencies within the accounts he collects. It’s entirely fair for the show to add or change motivations or events. And given GRRM

    Spoilers ahead so don’t read if you want none.

    For me personally, this sort of quieter episode which develops characters a bit more and sets up future plots is what HotD has been missing. Part of what made GoT great in its first few seasons is that it unfolded the plot at a good pace so you cared about the characters when big things happened to them.

    I’m sorry - your post makes zero sense if it is meant to be sarcastic then. Because everything but your first sentence rings as entirely true - the prosecutor did have a joke of a case and far-fetched logic. And it makes zero sense to have a statement where the first sentence is sarcastic but the rest isn’t on a

    He’s not writing skits or creating digital shorts like Samberg was. He’s a performer only (a great one at that). And he’s been doing sketch comedy forever so I have to imagine a lot of the work is second nature for him by now. So I would think his schedule is a fair amount easier.

    I don’t think the judge did the prosecutor a favor by dismissing with prejudice due to them withholding evidence lol. That ruling probably is going to end that lawyer’s career.

    Good - I hope the special prosecutor is sanctioned and disbarred. It’s completely unacceptable for a lawyer to act in this way.

    Who knows what actually happened but TMZ didn’t just break a story they were dating, they had leaked DMs that they published and the pornstar girlfriend was promoting their stories on her social media accounts. Seems more likely than not that she leaked that to them and he dumped her because he, like any normal

    I mean he co-created the show and has been on it from the beginning, it isn’t like he was handed an easy job, he created it. And IMO he’s a pretty engaging host and does a better job interviewing celebrities than most people do.

    Netflix’s business model didn’t just disrupt theatrical opportunities; it also spelled the end for traditional cable—a major revenue source—as well as high-profit DVD and Blu-Ray sales.

    I’ve read every review thread here and a lot of Reddit threads and quite frankly, I just don’t see this - I can’t even remember seeing it brought up once.. Maybe a few people want Carmy and Syd together but most of the complaints have been about the lack of structure and proper development this season.

    He’s right about everything, we all know it, and nothing will happen. I’ll vote against Trump no matter what but more and more I’m feeling resigned to the likelihood that Trump is going to win simply because the Democrats couldn’t force an old man who clearly isn’t fit for office out, run a proper primary, and replace

    I still think you’re overthinking it and I purposefully said he included it to have a bit of fun and not he was including it as a joke for everyone. It’s his series, if he (and some of his readers) got a bit of amusement from naming some of the more minor characters after Muppets or Stooges, who really cares beyond

    I don’t think the reasoning is anything other than GRRM having a bit of fun while naming a few of hundreds, if not thousands, of characters in his books and lore.

    I mean he was about to do just that in last week’s episode before Larys talked him out of it. Surely everyone in court knows he’s rash and headstrong and his Hand should know that too. I can’t help but think Otto would have kept Aegon under control if he wasn’t removed from his position.

    You could argue that it’s Aemond who jeopardized everything. Not keeping Aegon in the loop on what the plans were while openly insulting him in his court and then outright attacking him as he did.

    I’ve had my complaints about this show but that was a great episode from start to finish.

    I’m in my late 30s. When I was growing up, trailers aired before the showtime that was listed. If the movie started at 2 pm, you’d show up at 1:45 pm or a bit earlier if you cared about the trailers. I often did as a lot of times, it would be the first time I’d see a preview for a new movie. And yes, there was only a